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Last Activity: 1 week ago


style over substance
5,376 POSTS



21¾ years HERE

I'm a Nigerian banker spam-bot, and I once went free-climbing with William Shatner. Biography
the pizza belt Location
I read a lot, mostly history and scifi/modernist fiction. I also try to watch a movie every day or two and I'm a life-long doodler. Interests
I work in an East Asian library. I also go to school part time for math, and I'm currently taking classes on probability theory and differential equations. Occupation
Showing Comments 41 to 44 of 51
  1. 07-07-11
    I know what I'm going to watch, but it's not planned at all. Probably a couple hundred films at least. Jackie Chan's cool, but I'm not a big fan or anything. Keaton would probably make my top ten directors.
  2. 07-07-11
    No, not yet. I'm going through a massive rewatch right now that might take me until the end of the year at the pace I'm going. It was needed though. One result of the rewatch so far: Keaton has pulled way ahead of Chaplin whenI compare the two. I always liked him more, but now it's not much of a contest.
  3. 04-07-11
    Yeah I think the idea for Shanghai Dawn was to make the location Africa this time, taking in the Pyramids at some point. I think I also read they would end up in Hollywood, acting in silent movies or something
  4. 03-13-11

    Been kinda hectic the last few weeks but hopefully things will calm down a bit now. How about you?
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