Conversation Between Frightened Inmate No. 2 and JayDee

Showing Comments 1 to 3 of 3
  1. 07-11-13
    Thank you very much mate. Nice of you to say. Hopefully I can keep you entertained with my reviews in the future
  2. 07-10-13
    I do try to follow you're reviews, and I have to say that they're some of the best I've read on this forum. I pretty much rep any review for a movie that I've seen, and I realized that since I had only seen Die Hard recently, I hadn't given you a rep. Since you advertised the post in Masterman's thread, I figured I might as well give it a rep.
  3. 07-10-13
    Thanks for the rep on Die Hard Mr Inmate. Especially as it means I've topped my nemesis Masterman!

    Feel free to drop by my Musings anytime