Conversation Between Daniel M and HitchFan97

Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 23
  1. 09-15-13
    Audrey goes to Hollywood... now THAT I'd love to see I've also always thought of Lost Highway as the male version of Mulholland Drive, which makes it all the more difficult for me to explain why I prefer the latter film so much. I never could put my finger on it
  2. 09-15-13
    By the way, here's about Audrey:

    There were plans to spin Sherilyn Fenn's character Audrey Horne off into her own series, that didn't come off. Apparently, Audrey inspired David Lynch for Naomi Watts's character in Mulholland Drive, as Fenn said in an interview in 1997 about the Audrey Horne spin-off, "David was talking about 'Mulholland Drive', he talked about like 'Audrey goes to Hollywood'. She's driving along Mulholland in this convertible car... But it didn't end up happening."

    And Lynch actually says the Lost Highway takes place in the same world of Twin Peaks, although I have no idea what the point/significance of this is.
  3. 09-15-13
    I don't understand why people seem to dislike it and like it/talk about it less than the other two 'dream logic' films. I absolutely loved it and found the story far more interesting, it was darker, but better in my opinion and loved how the timeline/events worked out, I thought the mystery worked better and as soon as it finished I felt I could piece together and work out what I have just seen, and saw that my theory pretty much matches the accepted theory, making it the only one I could make sense of when I saw it. Why do people like it less than Mulholland Drive? It's basically the same film

    Here's what I posted in the Lost Highway thread by the way:

    I feel Lost Highway is actually, perhaps, Mullholland Drive's male counterpart. Mulholland Drive is Audrey, Lost Highway is James Hurley, the two most charismatic young souls of Twin Peaks (even if James is annoying at times).

    Maybe spoilers ahead.

    In Mulholland Drive the female creates a vision to hide her own guilt, and in Lost Highway a male does.

    Lost Highway is about sexual paranoia, in most Lynch works he deals with sexual themes, and this one it's the main driving cause behind Fred's motivations of killing his wife. He is jealous and doesn't trust her, he is spying on her using the mysterious man figure that he has imagined up to hide this insecurity and eventually murders her and her lover. He tries to hide this and builds his own idealistic vision when he is the popular guy who is sleeping with another person's partner, the opposite situation to reality. It felt personal to me in this kind of way, and I was fascinated with Fred's character as I still am, I think it's a very powerful character study and the narrative structure is actual pretty linear and in fitting with the mind of Fred.
  4. 09-15-13
    That's interesting, I didn't know that about Mulholland Drive. Lost Highway actually kind of disappointed me when I first saw it, but that James insight definitely puts a new spin on it and makes me want to re-watch it.

    As for Fanny and Alexander - I'm pretty sure it'll get 20 points or more from you, me, Skepsis, and Minio. Guapo will give it some points too. Who knows, maybe it'll turn into the Eyes Wide Shut of the '80s list