'War of the Worlds' Japanese Trailer


NICE! It looks really good. I can't wait to see this movie. Cruise and Spielberg has go to be a great pair. I am looking forward to the special effects as well. It's got to be good.

This is one of those movies that regardless of the quality of the trailer, I wind up getting goose bumps.

Not much more footage, but even two more seconds makes me want to...oh...you know.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

yeah, i wonder if we'll ever get a glimps of the slimy aliens before the movie comes out.
I need my alien fix. Im too impatient to wait.

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Looks pretty good, could be the next big blockbuster movie coming. You know the type where they advertise like crazy everywhere and everyone ends up wanting to see it (hyped up). I want another movie like that. I mean there's been good movies but not enough hype for my liking .

Thx Jrs by the way

Love how they incorporated all the Spielberg's previous alien flicks. As the guiness commercial would say - brilliant!

Originally Posted by jrs
No prob! Hey, you'd never know what you'd miss, if it weren't for me that's for sure.
If we were having a humility contest...you'd still win.

Good try though.

Originally Posted by jrs
...you'd never know what you'd miss, if it weren't for me...

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
If we were having a humility contest...you'd still win.

Good try though.

Originally Posted by jrs
I was teasing you for your lack of humility. Something I fall prey to often...that's why I said, "Good try though. "

It was playful, not insulting.

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
I was teasing you for your lack of humility. Something I fall prey to often...that's why I said, "Good try though. "

It was playful, not insulting.
Ahhhh . I just didnt know what you meant but I knew you weren't be insulting.

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
I was teasing you for your lack of humility. Something I fall prey to often...that's why I said, "Good try though. "

It was playful, not insulting.
In other words, he thinks you have an ego the size of manhattan.

Apparently (my sourse is pretty reliable) there are some WOTW pics knocking around of a crashed 747 and of some cages that the alien machines use to carry people in. Have had a mooch but have as yet come up empty. (have a sneaking suspision that JRS will find them tho..... go on son, go get 'em!)

Originally Posted by The Sarge
(have a sneaking suspision that JRS will find them tho..... go on son, go get 'em!)

Wow. All I can say is Wow. After seeing that trailer, all I can say is Independence day can blow Steven Spielbergh. I need not say names. I think everyone that was involved in Independence Day, including the people that just handled the accounting can line up and personally blow Stephen and Tom. This movie is levels above it. The artistic quality, the cinematic brilliance and eloquent flow of angelic human missery of this movie is with-out-a-doubt extraordinary (seemingly). It really makes Dean Devlin and especially Roland Emmerich look like hugely advertised, overrated steaming piles of puke. It really does. Damn. I'm gonna watch that trailer again.
"You need people like me..."

Oh, and I really wonder how they're gonna end the film. Spielberg didn't know even after they began filming it. Amazingly, the same thing happened with Casablanca.

Originally Posted by The Sarge
Apparently (my sourse is pretty reliable) there are some WOTW pics knocking around of a crashed 747 and of some cages that the alien machines use to carry people in. Have had a mooch but have as yet come up empty. (have a sneaking suspision that JRS will find them tho..... go on son, go get 'em!)
I'll meet your airplane pics:

An raise you some red weed photos:

Originally Posted by mott hamble
I'll meet your airplane pics:

Yeah, these pics are old. I saw these atleast a month ago and didn't even think they were worth posting.

An raise you some red weed photos:

As for these pics, nope. Haven't seen these til now so Job well done on that. I really think however we should keep our info on footage only if i could suggest. Photos like these really spoil the movie which is stupid since we're the guys who want to see it the most.