New James Bond for next movie?


still it's a shame, Pierce should have done the next one and then passed the title over to someone else, as planned. Sucks they just gave him the early boot like this.

Yes, I agree. PB should pass the shoe as stated above. I don't like all this axing and backstabbing. It's too bad, really. I thought with certainty Pierce would do the next one. If not, I will probably cringe when I see some teen idol reject like they wanna do. To bring it into the now as they say. Make him young. Get Real. They reckon 007 has all these missions under his belt at 19 do they? *expletive* .
There're not a lot of actors that can take the role and make it as enduring as it has been. Stop the series now. It has a right to go out on top I say.
Start something new.....Spyhunter as a franchise, done right, would be sensational. Although, it may not have the passionate overseeing of a founding corporation as 007.
2 cents.
"More success than most, but not as much as some.."

Pierce wanted to do another Bond, but the people as MGM decided to say no and send the Irishman on his ways.

A shame, a damn shame.

And this is my BOOMstick!
I heard that P. Diddy wants to be the next James Bond to quote him: "I think I'm perfect for the role. The world is ready for a black James Bond."

This is almost as stupid as a child to be the new terminator; rappers should not be allowed to come within 500 feet of a movie shoot.
"All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for no one."

The Master of My Own Universe
Ok, kinda new to this forum, but whatever. P. Diddy would suck as a James Bond. Two reasons, first he's black. Now if you think about it, wouldn't all the other former James Bonds be kinda not happy about that? Not being racsist at all, I'm just saying it wouldn't work. And Second reason, he's not British. Have you ever heard of a black British guy named James Bond? C'mon, its a statistical impossibility for P. Diddy to be the next James Bond. I've heard a few others, like the guy that played Legolas is LOTR, and on the website link at the top of this discussion. Ewan Magregor is too young, and Colin Farrel is as well. I've also heard that Hugh Jackman would do a good job, and I can see that, but he would only be my second choice. My #1 choice would have to be Robbie William, the British pop singer. He's at the ripe age, has a sexy British accent, and h's been wanting to be the next James Bond since 2001. GThats my choice.

Can't see why it won't work. After all Ian Flemings James Bond was an English secret service man, how many previous Bonds have been English?
As long as they stick to the basics and try not to make it another 'XXX' I think it may just work.
After all there's been coloured people in the UK for quite a few years now

- Jason (A pale skinned Scotish/English person )

i think clive owen would be ideal either him or sean bean

Originally Posted by casa
i think clive owen would be ideal either him or sean bean
sean bean would be kinda werid since he was 006, the villian in the first movie.

Pierce was very good, but now i dunno who can play 007....P.D. will realy look stupid ilike James Bond. It may be not English for me this is no problem. Just to look well as 007 he must be white. However we cant say who will play on 100 % still...

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007 is just the code name so he could be Black ... and there are lots of Black English people! How ever a black actor could not be James Bond (i.e. the man, not the code name) as that character Fleming wrote as half Swiss, half Scottish and white!

A spin off from the franchise with a Black English actor as a "00 agent" even a non James Bond 007, could add a new dimension to things!

Oh but Not Robbie Williams or Puff Daddy they both suck and Robbie Williams has a rubbish midlands accent, Bond is supposed to be upper class.


Anonymous Last told me to drop in ...

They should give the franchise a complete upheaval and bring in a young and unknown English actor.