Pentagon, 9/11 and other US hoaxes.


And this is my BOOMstick!
We all heard the news. We all witnessed the terror of those disasters. Now it's time to think - is what we saw true?

This video is 104mb, and is very informative.

It's a rather massive wake-up call, as it cuts through the information the US government has told its citizens. It also supplies live interviews with firefighters that were only aired once on CNN.

One point you'll see in the movie - an explosive device being set off underneath one of the planes. It's amazing. I'm sure terrorists with box cutters could do this, yeah. Right.

Also it delves into the Pentagon "crash" - actual footage which I remember seeing on television, where there was no visible sight of any actual supposed Jetliner, and there is only a 16 foot hole with much of the building above still intact. A jet has a massive wing span, and the center fuselage is definitely wider than 16 feet. So where the hell is it?!

Before you take a negative stance on the movie, be sure to watch it and listen carefully. This movie is extremely respectable and it is very well done. I was impressed.


No one knows what crashed into the Pentagon, all surveillance footage from the surrounding area (that had a clear view of the crash) was confiscated within minutes by the FBI, and never been released.

All thats been released are FIVE pictures showing the crash, and an object that is NOT a plane.

Here's a flash on the pentagon crash:

Now, I would like you to at least watch the flash movie if you don't want to download the 9/11 one and tell me what you think, share your thoughts.

Over and out.
"All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for no one."

I've already seen most of this nonsense debunked. You know, there are still people who think the powers that be intentionally allowed the attack on Pearl Harbor to happen, as well. The world will never be without any number of inane conspiracy theories.

i'll tell you one thing and i might have missed what this whole thing is about, but all i know is that before 9/11 there were two very large towers that graced the ny skyline ..after 9/11 they were either they hired david copperfield or these buildings no longer exist..i vote for the no longer exist part....

my two cents and i'm sorry if i offended anybody

And this is my BOOMstick!
That's not the point. The point is that is it true that the US government would sacrifice its peoples lives just to get more money for themselves?
...I guess that's a rhetorical question.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Also it delves into the Pentagon "crash" - actual footage which I remember seeing on television, where there was no visible sight of any actual supposed Jetliner, and there is only a 16 foot hole with much of the building above still intact. A jet has a massive wing span, and the center fuselage is definitely wider than 16 feet. So where the hell is it?!
Where, indeed? There were people on it who have been missing since then. Where are they?

Also: if it was all a big, government-backed hoax, why were they able to get the three planes that were found (the two from NY and the one in PA), but not that elusive fourth, to make the plan complete? Why not just get 4 planes?
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

Umm...I could've sworn that at some point I saw footage of the Pentagon crash. If nobody else remembers seeing it, then I must be wrong...but I really thought I did.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
Umm...I could've sworn that at some point I saw footage of the Pentagon crash. If nobody else remembers seeing it, then I must be wrong...but I really thought I did.
i'm with you..i do remember seeing a plane fly into the pentagon

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
I was living miles from the Pentagon when it happened, if you think it wasn't a plane you're just simply retarded.
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Regardless of what your stance is on this issue, it's still interesting. Check out this link to a kind of mini-documentary on the subject. If nothing else, it is very very interesting.