Former NFL player Pat Tillman killed in Afghanistan


All good people are asleep and dreaming.
Former Cardinal Tillman killed in Afghanistan

BOB BAUM - AP Sports Writer

TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) -Football uses war metaphors all the time. But Pat Tillman left the game behind for the real thing, and he paid with his life.

The Arizona Cardinal player who walked away from a multimillion-dollar NFL career to join the Army was killed Thursday night in a firefight while on combat patrol in Afghanistan, U.S. officials said. He was 27.

The fighting took place 25 miles southwest of a U.S. military base at Khost, a scene of frequent attacks.
"What other person do you know who would give up a life in the NFL to defend what he believes in with his own life?" said former teammate David Barrett, now with the New York Jets.

Tillman, a former safety with the Cardinals, had turned down a three-year, $3.6 million offer from Arizona and instead joined the elite Army Rangers in May 2002, never uttering a word of explanation publicly.

Tillman's brother, Kevin, a former minor league baseball prospect in the Cleveland Indians organization, also joined the Rangers and served in the Middle East. They signed up for three-year stints in the Army.

The Rangers are an infantry force whose soldiers serve as shock troops, raiders and commandos who strike behind enemy lines. Every Ranger volunteers for the duty and must pass rigorous physical tests to serve.

Some 110 U.S. soldiers have died - 39 of them in combat - during Operation Enduring Freedom, which began in Afghanistan in late 2001. It was not immediately clear when Tillman went to Afghanistan.

"A lot of times in football, analogies of war are thrown around freely," former Cardinals teammate Pete Kendall said. "On a day like this, you see how hollow those ring."

The 5-foot-11, 200-pound Tillman was distinguished by his intelligence and appetite for rugged play.

As an undersized linebacker at Arizona State, he helped lead the Sun Devils to the Rose Bowl in 1997 and was the Pacific 10 Conference defensive player of the year the next season. Bone-jarring hits were his trademark.

He graduated summa cum laude after 3 1/2 years with a marketing degree and a 3.84 grade-point average.

The Cardinals took Tillman in the seventh round of the 1998 draft, the 226th player chosen. In 2000, he broke the franchise record for tackles with 223.

In practice, coaches often had to make Tillman slow down so he would not hurt anybody in drills.

He was constantly testing himself: Before the 2000 season, he ran a marathon. Before the 2001 season, he entered a triathlon.

In May of 2002 - six months after the Sept. 11 attacks - Tillman walked into the office of then-coach Dave McGinnis, pulled up a chair and said, "Mac, we have to talk." He had decided to join the military.

"It was his wish that this not be something that would draw a lot of attention," McGinnis said. "He truly felt committed and felt a sense of honor and duty at this point in his life that this is what he wanted to do."

In December, he paid a visit home from the Middle East, and he, his wife, Marie, and brother Kevin joined the Cardinals for a game in Seattle. They spent five hours in McGinnis' hotel room the night before, talking.

"He was just so proud to be a member of the Rangers," McGinnis said. "That came through loud and clear."

Tillman talked with his teammates in the locker room after the game, then slipped out a side door before reporters came in.

"He is a hero," Cardinals vice president Michael Bidwill said. "He was a brave man. There are very few people who have the courage to do what he did, the courage to walk away from a professional sports career and make the ultimate sacrifice."

Gov. Janet Napolitano ordered flags on the Arizona State campus flown at half-staff.

Arizona Cardinals tribute

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
Pat Tillman Likely Killed by Accident, U.S. Army Says.


I heard about this today… my heart went out to his family and friends when he was killed… and now, if this is true, I have to add the members of his unit… none of them may never know if they were responsible or not, but the knowledge that they could have been is not going to be easy for them to live with…
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
Originally Posted by Caitlyn
I heard about this today… my heart went out to his family and friends when he was killed… and now, if this is true, I have to add the members of his unit… none of them may never know if they were responsible or not, but the knowledge that they could have been is not going to be easy for them to live with…
I used to do Jiu-Jitsu with a soldier in his unit.

But since the war started we moved our school's location and I haven't heard how he is doing.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
Have any Mofo's seen the Documentary yet?


It was co-produced by A & E films, though I have my doubts whether it will air on primetime TV.

it should though.

"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
I hate to say it, but so what? It is an old story.

i dont use the neg rep function. but if i did, this would qualify.


All good people are asleep and dreaming.
I hate to say it, but so what? It is an old story.
Yes, your Randy Quaid article was much more interesting.

i dont use the neg rep function. but if i did, this would qualify.


planet news's Avatar
Registered User
Governments like to maintain their image, and Tillman had a chance to be really, really good propaganda.

Duh, I guess.

And I'd love to sh*t further on the Bush administration, but I don't think there's anything sinister about this at all. If anything it's a little goofy. Like catching someone masturbating.

What's so bad about Tillman being seen as a hero? I mean, let's be honest here. It's not as if that's the worst kind of cover-up that the U.S. government has been involved with or is involved with (I'm not being specific here... just a feeling). I like "the truth" and all as much as the next fellow, but I wasn't, like, "pissed" when I found out it was friendly fire. It also seems weird that the family is so intent on making sure their son isn't seen as a hero. The way the mother, I think, said "we just want da truth" in the trailer was sorta detached, I feel. The whole watchdog journalism act is a little detached, since it really serves just about zero purpose.

The sweetness of Tillman still remains: he turned down a contract to go fight cause he was a patriot.

Then debbie downer came along.....

So, yeah, "so what" is my reaction to the documentary. The whole f*cking war is the cover-up.
"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
What's so bad about Tillman being seen as a hero? I mean, let's be honest here. It's not as if that's the worst kind of cover-up that the U.S. government has been involved with or is involved with (I'm not being specific here... just a feeling). I like "the truth" and all as much as the next fellow, but I wasn't, like, "pissed" when I found out it was friendly fire. It also seems weird that the family is so intent on making sure their son isn't seen as a hero. The way the mother, I think, said "we just want da truth" in the trailer was sorta detached, I feel. The whole watchdog journalism act is a little detached, since it really serves just about zero purpose.
I think maybe the family was upset the death of their son was being exploited for recruitment purposes.

The whole point about Tillman signing up was he felt it was the right thing to do. this wasn't a "look at me " photo-op horse-bleep.

His decision was sensationalized, not by him or his family.

( It always struck me a lil odd the amount of coverage he got. Are only the poor and middle-class supposed to have the courage of their convictions?)

When you enlist , you are asked if in the event of your death while in the service, would you like a military funeral.

Tillman explicitly said no.

so of course, he had a military funeral attended by John McCain.

Respect and Honour.

Call me crazy, I think that was kinda important to the Tillman family.

planet news's Avatar
Registered User
I here ya.

But if there was ever a case of a little white lie in government, this would be it, no? I hate the war, Bush, and football, but I'd easily call the man a hero if asked before the revelation of the cover-up. Maybe I should be more mad about the government one-upping me like that, but I wasn't then, and I'm still not, because I just don't see anything as being that honorable or respectful in government. Maybe he did deserve a purple heart for dying the most absurdly pathetic manner after being so super-hyped up by everyone.

I'm walking on shaky ground right now, I know. It seems to go against all my liberal sensibilities, but I'll stick to the notion of "whatever" for now.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
I was against the Iraq War from day 1 and no fan of that wayward born again drunk and cocaine addict son whose real motive of getting us in Iraq was sticking it to the old man (who in retrospect I think was a pretty fair President who knew how to conduct a justifiable war right) and that fat load of crap Chaney, but the military brass tried to get away with something, got caught, and to make a documentary about it with no new revelations strikes me as a collosal waste of time. There is no evidence the Bush Administration was directly involved in the coverup and even how high it went up in the Pentagon. Afghanistan is a war we have to fight and win and woudln't be having problems with now if that idiot Bush didn't drop the ball, allow that murdering scum, Ben Laden, to get away, and needlessly diverted resources to get rid of a despot I hated, but was basically bottled up and had no weapons of mass destruction, which was the real serious lie. The Tillman fiasco, excuse me if I yawn.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
I want to clarify i wasn't saying so what about the original posting back in 2004, but the recent documentary with nothing new to say about the false report how he died and coverup. Even if it was friendly fire, he was doing his job as a soldier and was still a hero..

Loner, my Randy Quaid posting is about recent news. That documentary is just rehashing what we already know. What's the point of it? To dump on the Bush Administration? It's not around anymore.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
is that the same as

commenting with certainty on a film you haven't seen is curious.

And i dont think this has anything to do with the Bush Administration per se.