Countries You're Extra Interested In?


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About their history, culture, people, whatever? (Besides your own)

I have two. Italy and Iraq. I think the former is due to the movies, humor, food. Iraq, because it was my "first war" (but not the last) and there's many Michiganders who are of Iraqi descent.

I remember when I was 10, asking and asking for a book on Saddam. I still have it. Although De Sica is my favorite director, I can't find a single interview of his in English, and although I only like 1950s Fellini, he still remained an interesting person - especially in interviews - I have a few director's books full of interviews.

About their history, culture, people, whatever? (Besides your own)
I’m still “extra interested” in America even though I’ve lived here forever. My decade in Manhattan was the very best & I am still fascinated by everything in New York City.

Connecticut, not so much.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

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I’m still “extra interested” in America even though I’ve lived here forever. My decade in Manhattan was the very best & I am still fascinated by everything in New York City.

Connecticut, not so much.

Me too, but only the last 75-100 years. It's become an obsession. Mostly the arts - cultural history, politics, interviews, and of course, the archives to catch the zeitgeist, instead of the stuff everyone already knows.

Iceland - in fact most of Scandinavia, but especially Iceland.

One of my favourite things is to watch Vlogs from those countries on YouTube. Especially the ones where people choose to live alone in some secluded cabin.
It's cold, dark, scenic, quiet and sparsely populated. My kind of place.

One of the things on my wishlist is to rent an RV and drive all across Iceland. Apparently this is the best way to experience the country.

One of my favourite things is to watch Vlogs from those countries on YouTube. Especially the ones where people choose to live alone in some secluded cabin. It's cold, dark, scenic, quiet and sparsely populated. My kind of place.
Try Maine. Same thing, but much closer.

Poland. It's not as popular for tourism as Western Europe but I'm convinced it's a hidden gem. Krakow was especially beautiful. I used to work with a bunch of Polish women and they were pretty much my favourite people ever.

Northern Ireland is another. The Troubles and the IRA fascinate me, I'm planning to visit Belfast and Derry in October. I also recently bought a book to try and learn Irish Gaelic. And while not specific to Northern Ireland, I'm very interested in some of the old Gaelic traditions and beliefs. After I leave from Belfast, I'm heading into Scotland because of the Samhain celebration.

And of course, the United States. Sometimes I love American culture, other times it's like watching a train wreck.
yours truly,
Kayden Kross

And of course, the United States. Sometimes I love American culture, other times it's like watching a train wreck.
Yeah; it might be fascinating to watch from a distance, but when you're actually in it...

Northern Ireland is another. The Troubles and the IRA fascinate me, I'm planning to visit Belfast and Derry in October.
Hmmm, not so fascinating if it affects one’s life.

New York City, it's truly fascinating to me, is probably the only other place I'd consider living, no other, the cultural aspect of the city, mentally of the people living there, I devour most things about the 70s to 90s.

I'd probably also visit Tangier in Morocco, never visited, but could, in a day's trip, might do that some day. I'd have to rent a place there, and stay at least a month or two, to really known a place takes time, I don't want to breathe a different air and say I visited it, doesn't work like that to me.

Scotland, New Zealand and Iceland -- in that order. I may move to one of those three if things get any worse here . . .

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Scotland, New Zealand and Iceland -- in that order. I may move to one of those three if things get any worse here . . .

I actually found a one-way ticket to Amsterdam, which I've visited six times, but I know I wouldn't come back, but I don't know if I need any more change. It's hard trying to make a living anywhere doing what I do, especially in a country I don't know the language.

I actually found a one-way ticket to Amsterdam, which I've visited six times, but I know I wouldn't come back, but I don't know if I need any more change. It's hard trying to make a living anywhere doing what I do, especially in a country I don't know the language.
Well, Scotland and New Zealand wouldn't require me to learn a new language. Iceland might, but I understand that almost all Icelanders speak English. And I've been retired for ten years now -- many countries will readily allow retirees to emigrate because you won't be taking a job from a native -- you'll just be living there and spending money there.

Besides my own country Singapore, some countries I am interested in are Israel, USA, China, South Korea and Japan.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Poland. It's not as popular for tourism as Western Europe but I'm convinced it's a hidden gem. Krakow was especially beautiful. I used to work with a bunch of Polish women and they were pretty much my favourite people ever.
Yeah, people usually have a good opinion on Poland. And then they meet me.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Yeah, people usually have a good opinion on Poland. And then they meet me.

Ah, so you must be the hot Polish chick that tried to lure me into her seedy "music club" where they drug and rob tourists.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Ah, so you must be the hot Polish chick that tried to lure me into her seedy "music club" where they drug and rob tourists.
Not me. But the rest is basically right. Their modus operandi is to lure a man into a club and give him a free first drink. The drink is spiked or vodka. The idea is to make the man buy more drinks and each drink is like 50$ or something. There are some girls that will talk to him, trying to convince him to buy a drink for each of them, too. They might also give him low-key striptease for like 200$. The idea is that the dude pays with his debit card and before he knows it he spent 3000$ in a single night.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Ah, so you must be the hot Polish chick that tried to lure me into her seedy "music club" where they drug and rob tourists.
In old 1940s-50s noirs that was called a 'clip joint'.

Besides my own country Singapore, some countries I am interested in are Israel, USA, China, South Korea and Japan.
Nothing would make me visit China or South Korea. Animals have no rights there & the level of cruelty in both countries towards them is horrendous.

I've never been to South America. In particular I'd really love to go to Patagonia, which is in Argentina, as they speak Welsh there.
Gosh, that’s random. How did this come about?