My 10 Favorite 70's Movies



This is my 2nd crack at the 70s movies and decided to chop the list down to 10 movies as it was 20 before. With having second thoughts about the last list back in 2017, I'm glad to have the list narrowed down to 10 movies since those are the ones that I loved the most.

I'll be doing one entry each day, so I don't rush it like I did with the last 70s list (3 entries each day)

Reviews: Some entries will have small or more writing with quotes. I'm not that much into writing big essay reviews and may have a few words repeated.

Let's get this list started shall we
Moviefan1988's Favorite Movies<br />

Welcome to the Dance: My Favorite 20 High School Movies


Dog Day Afternoon (1975)

Director: Sidney Lumet
Writers: Frank Pierson (screenplay), P.F. Kluge (short story)
Cast: Al Pacino, John Cazale, Penelope Allen
Genre: Biography, Crime, Drama
Runtime: 2 Hours and 5 Minutes
Rated R

A movie about some optimistic loser named Sonny attempting to rob a bank with his friend, Sal so he can have enough money for his wife's sex change operation. Pacino's performance was great in this movie and what I liked a lot about this movie is it shows you when you rob a bank, a lot of things can go wrong and it's a road that you never want to venture on. Al had some good moments in this movie for sure, for some reason I find it funny when he blows up in anger, he seems to do a good job at that.

"Attica! Attica!" - Sonny played by Al Pacino

Trailer Notes: A better movie trailer then the other trailers as they spoil the movie too much.


Dog Day Afternoon (1975)

Director: Sidney Lumet
Writers: Frank Pierson (screenplay), P.F. Kluge (short story)
Cast: Al Pacino, John Cazale, Penelope Allen
Genre: Biography, Crime, Drama
Runtime: 2 Hours and 5 Minutes

Al had some good moments in this movie for sure, for some reason I find it funny when he blows up in anger, he seems to do a good job at that.
Seen this movie a million times. Love it. As a Roman Catholic my favorite line is when Pacino tells the tellers “I’m Catholic. Don’t worry, we won’t hurt you.” For some reason, this always cracks me up.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Dog Day Afternoon (1975) I was so impressed with this film when I watched it a couple years ago. If this is your #10 I can't wait to see what the rest of your top 1970s movies look like.

Here’s looking at you, kid.
Whew, narrow it down to the top ten, I see why you are taking your time.

I took a crack at this before but was only able to get a top 30


Carrie (1976)

Director: Brian De Palma
Writers: Stephen King (novel), Lawrence D. Cohen (screenplay)
Cast: Sissy Spacek, Piper Laurie, Amy Irving
Genre: Horror
Runtime: 1 Hour and 38 Minutes
Rated R

A cool horror tale about a young high school student being tormented by bullies in her school and after this prank goes wrong at prom, those bullies are going wish that they never messed with Carrie White ever again. This is pretty much the only movie that I liked from Stephen King, the rest of his movies I didn't care for really. I can see how some might say this movie comes off as cheesy but I don't mind it since I'm a fan of teenage high school movies and like to see how each movie has a different take on what high school is all about.

"They're all gonna laugh at you." - Margaret White played by Piper Laurie

Trailer Notes: A trailer that doesn't repeat the movie title alot of times and manages to misspell Steven King when it's Stephen King. Also, starring John Travolta and his big explosive moment in the movie . I liked how the youtube comment section pointed that out in the trailer, too funny.


The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)

Director: Lewis Gilbert
Writers: Christopher Wood (screenplay by), Richard Maibaum (screenplay by)
Cast: Roger Moore, Barbara Bach, Curd Jürgens
Genre: Action, Adventure, Thriller
Runtime: 2 Hours and 5 Minutes
Rated PG

This movie is one of my favorite bond films and it's got everything in it, hot bond girl, cool villain named Jaws and nice action packed scenes that makes the film exciting to watch. Every time the bond music goes off it makes me hum out the bond theme, which this happens sometimes when watching other bond movies.

"All those feathers and he still can't fly!" - James Bond played by Roger Moore

Trailer Notes: The bond music makes the trailer look exciting, that's all I gotta say about that

Dog Day Afternoon and Carrie are both great. I haven't seen The Spy Who Loved Me, but I've seen very few Bond films in general. I'll have to do a marathon of them someday.

Anyways, nice thread so far!


Star Wars (1977)

Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Cast: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Runtime: 2 Hours and 1 Minute
Rated PG

For a movie that's rated PG, it sure shows me that it can still be a good movie especially when it's an action and adventure film. Star Wars is great for its creativity and excitement, If I were to pick my favorite characters it would be Han Solo and Chewbacca. it makes me wonder if Han Solo can actually tell what chewy even says. I wish Yoda was in this movie, he's my favorite also.

“The Force is strong with this one.” - Darth Vader played by James Earl Jones

Trailer Notes: Two times being reminded on what this movie is while showing the film title for like 7 times. Wait tell me the title of the film again, I thought it was Star Trek

I'm in! Not only my favorite decade of film, but music also.

I shall enjoy!

Ain't Adam sandler in coneheads? gonna need to check out that movie some day

Seen this movie a million times. Love it. As a Roman Catholic my favorite line is when Pacino tells the tellers “I’m Catholic. Don’t worry, we won’t hurt you.” For some reason, this always cracks me up.
I love this movie too...if I did a top films of the 70's list, it would be somewhere in my top five.