30's Recommendations


Lets not turn this into a list thread coz those are the worst. Let's just talk about the 30's here in anticipation of the Countdown @Citizen Rules is generously going to run for us, he's gave me a sneak peek and he's definitely thinking too highly of us bums.

Hope everyone takes part here without me curating a list no one reads anyway!

Let the night air cool you off
The Old Dark House is like a Universal horror film that doesn't have it's own franchise, because there isn't a big baddie. If you like Universal horror films, this one comes highly recommended from yours truly.

If you are a fan of surrealism, specifically Bunuel and/or Dali, check out L'Age d'Or.

I like how i was skipping through the Youtube copy to see if there was working subs and i ended up at a scene with a cow being chill in a bed. Think that image answered all of lifes questions for me.

Let the night air cool you off
I like how i was skipping through the Youtube copy to see if there was working subs and i ended up at a scene with a cow being chill in a bed. Think that image answered all of lifes questions for me.
I get sad when I think about how long that cow has probably been dead

I get sad when I think about how long that cow has probably been dead
When i was like 13 i started reading about Nazi's and whatever just bad people, it led me to the KKK and of course Birth of a Nation is so important in reviving and empowering them. So i put it on youtube, it was boring me so like 10 minutes in i went to the comments and someone had said something like "wow! all of these people have been dead for like 120 years"

That seriously creeped me out so i abandoned it.

Duck Soup (1933) and Gone With The Wind (1939) are the best recommendations which I can make from that decade.

The Emperor Jones

The Good Earth

Mad Love


Make Way For Tomorrow

A Tale of Two Cities

Libeled Lady

The Drum

Ruggles of Red Cap

A Midsummers Night Dream

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
I'm seriously lacking in 30's films. If anyone has any recommendations for good horror or dark themed films it would be much appreciated?!
My recommendation for this countdown would be:-

The Most Dangerous Game (1982)

Samoan seal of approval.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

I'm seriously lacking in 30's films. If anyone has any recommendations for good horror or dark themed films it would be much appreciated?!
Aforementioned -
Mad Love (1935)

The Black Cat (1934)
Island of lost Souls (1932)
The Invisible Man (1933)
Things to Come (1936)
The Vampire Bat (1933)
Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933)
Mark of the Vampire (1935)
M (1931)
The Son of Kong (1933)

Which isn't including Frankenstein, Dracula, and Hitchcock (Jamaica Inn, The Man Who Knew Too Much, and The Lady Vanishes)

Here's my list of 30s 10/10s:

City Girl (1930)

Earth (1930)

M (1931)

Trouble in Paradise (1932)

Les Misérables (1934)

Grand Illusion (1937)

Olympia Part I + Part II (1938)

Port of Shadows (1938)

Angels with Dirty Faces (1938)

Now I have a hard time coming up with a 30s film I still haven't seen that has a chance of getting a 10.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
For me, here are my picks

I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang
A Night at the Opera
Duck Soup

Gold Diggers of 1933
Gold Diggers of 1935
Modern Times
The Public Enemy
The Adventures of Robin Hood
Shanghai Express
The Blue Angel
The Wizard of Oz
Gone with the Wind

It's All About the Movies

what do you think of Bunuel's Land Without Bread?
A solid mockumentary, but kinda meh.

Humanity and Paper Balloons (1937) ‘Ninjô kami fûsen’ Directed by Sadao Yamanaka

Sadao Yamanaka died at the age of 28, a few months after completing this masterpiece. He's the Jean Vigo of Japan. Between 1932 and 1937 he directed 24 films and of this total, only three were preserved. Humanity and Paper Balloons was his last work. The script of Shintaro Mimura tells a story that takes place in the 18th century in a poor region of the hinterland of Japan. It's the history of Unno (Chojuro Kawarasaki), a ronin who struggles to survive in a group of people who have poor condition. Yamanaka makes an atypical samurai movie. His narrative draws closer to Yasujiro Ozu's intimacy than Akira Kurosawa's epic. The director's approach can at the same time address a social problem and be the portrait of a historical moment. And the best, without giving up poetry.

Humanity and Paper Balloons (1937)
I saw all his surviving films and this one was his best. The Million Ryo Pot is a masterpiece too. Priest of Darkness is a little bit different, but is has a 16 years old Setsuko Hara.

Here's an interesting picture:

I saw all his surviving films and this one was his best. The Million Ryo Pot is a masterpiece too. Priest of Darkness is a little bit different, but is has a 16 years old Setsuko Hara.

Here's an interesting picture:

Oh my gosh! That deserves to be a poster to be hung on my wall!