What is a movie that you reckon needs to be remade?


Because remakes often tend to be of films that were considered classics of their time, I find the vast majority always tend to be disappointing or at least unnecessary. There are exceptions (Dawn of the Dead? Let Me In?) but generally they are the ones that prove the rule. There are many films I consider untouchable (both your examples actually) that simply should never be reinterpreted because they caught lightning in a bottle and ANY contemporary tweaking would be considered blasphemous and pointless.


I think remakes CAN work when they are from decent (but not masterpiece) films from generations ago that have faded from pop culture consciousness or were considered fairly obscure to begin with. Also good foreign films can sometimes make for good remake material. In these cases the filmmaker is not making his interpretation in the massive shadow of well known brilliance. The Thing comes to mind. Maybe Cape Fear, Ocean's Eleven obviously, a few others.

Personally, I wouldnt mind seeing some Westerns remade. Westerns allow for broad reinterpretation (as long as its not an all time classic) and can easily dovetail into other cultures or other eras, even science fiction. I thought the True Grit remake worked pretty well. And speaking of which, older science fiction is great fodder for modern remakes because weve come SO far in our special effects technology since the pulp classics of the 50's and 60's that a GOOD remake can really create a novel piece of art. The Fly comes to mind and The Thing as I mentioned already. And I had such great hopes for The Day The Earth Stood Still but... *sigh*.

I would like to see what a modern take on The Outsiders would look like. But I reserve the right to burn it if its not excellent. I think Logans Run has potential and has been forgotten or never heard of by most people by now. And I think a revisiting of 1984 might be timely...

Welcome to the human race...
It's a bit more acceptable if it's less a remake of an original film and more a new adaptation of a source that's already been adapted once before (which is the case with The Thing and True Grit). At least there's a bit more room for creative freedom and interpretation that way.

As for what I'd see remade - my go-to answer these days is Highlander, though between the various sequels and spin-offs I have to admit that its whole secret immortal sword-fighter premise has been picked pretty clean over the years. That being said, I reckon there's room to pull off a remake that improves on the rather clunky action of the original.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

The Keep (1983) might be interesting. It's just such a shame about the unfinished sound quality on that film.

Since they already remade Total Recall but missed some vital nuances, I'd vote Total Recall, let's remake the remake!

i'd reckon, more of a standalone story told about the sylver surfer

This might just do nobody any good.
The Rocketeer.

I'm down with a new version of Cape Fear if Cary Fukunaga gets McConaughey and Harrelson together again.

A couple more and I'm not saying remakes but definitely new versions of these stories:

The Time Machine – we need a really faithful version of this book because it's so much more interesting and creepy than the existing films/TV adaptations.

A Christmas Carol – we're long overdue a brand new live action version of this.

Also, any story from Greek Mythology, but especially The Odyssey.

I would personally like to see The Exorcist and Jaws to be remade
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A couple more and I'm not saying remakes but definitely new versions of these stories:

The Time Machine – we need a really faithful version of this book because it's so much more interesting and creepy than the existing films/TV adaptations.

A Christmas Carol – we're long overdue a brand new live action version of this.

Also, any story from Greek Mythology, but especially The Odyssey.
Yeah, just what we need...another version of A Christmas Carol...we don't have nearly enough.

Yeah, just what we need...another version of A Christmas Carol...we don't have nearly enough.
…and what do you think of them?

This might just do nobody any good.
Jaws? Why on high Jesus would you want Jaws to be remade?
They should totally do that.

Make it more exciting, tho. Like, how stupid is it that people keep going back to water, LOLOLOLOL.

The shark should go to the people, not the other way around. Maybe if a tornado lifted him from the ocean!

They should totally do that.

Make it more exciting, tho. Like, how stupid is it that people keep going back to water, LOLOLOLOL.

The shark should go to the people, not the other way around. Maybe if a tornado lifted him from the ocean!
That's been done hasn't it ?

Yeah, just what we need...another version of A Christmas Carol...we don't have nearly enough.
Cant have enough versions of A Christmas Carol or Alice In Wonderland as far as Im concerned. But those are the only two exceptions.