Best Movies That Made No Money?


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I did a few searches, didn't find anything. If someone does, I can try to delete this.

I'll have to do some research, and adjust it for inflation, but I think "Citizen Kane" would fit, only because of the power of the main character (W.R. Hearst).

If you can also add movies that had no commercial and critical success, the better as I'm sure some of us would love to watch these gems.

I have to return some videotapes...
I mean if your talking films that didn't make back their budget or profit, two huge ones are Fight Club and Shawshank.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

They're good films which found their audience on the home rental.

It's A Wonderful Life only became popular once it entered public domain and was cheap filler for US tv over the Christmas period.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I'm not sure if you're just asking which classic movies didn't do, or are just asking for any good movie that didn't do well, but if it's the latter, Rise of the Guardians. Easily one of Dreamworks' best movies in my opinion, but it lost them so much money they had to lay off hundreds of people.

I have to return some videotapes...
I think the more interesting question is why do these films bomb?

My idea is that at least from most of the films already mentioned here is that they are ahead of their time and initially doesn't register with audiences. Another example of this is John Carpenter's The Thing which is another film that bombed, people found it to be over the top and too graphic, but now we look back at the film with reverence because Carpenter took such a leap ahead in special effects and also created a great story amidst all the great horror. Some things take time to really appreciate, but in my opinion that makes them so much better.