Robert Vaughn film not on IMDB


I've been puzzled by this movie for decades.

In my mind it is called 'Baby' (could be mixing that up with another film) and was a British film (possibly TV movie) starring Robert Vaughn as a doctor/scientist who has revived a young man who has been in a coma since birth, played by Brian Croucher. The main subject of the film is how a baby in a healthy young man's body (explained by the child having received physiotherapy to facilitate normal development) copes with the world it is born into. Specifically, I remember the young man having a hissy fit whilst playing slot cars, and he also runs away. I seem to remember that it didn't end on a happy note.

As best I can remember, I watched this on British TV in the mid/late seventies, and I would guess that it was filmed around the time Robert Vaughn was in Britain filming The Protectors, but it may have been earlier.

It may be that I am remembering the actors incorrectly, but I have some very distinct images in my mind of the two actors in the roles, but neither has an entry on IMDB that seems to match this movie, which is most perplexing.

If anyone has any idea what it was, please enlighten me. I have considered contacting the actors to see if I have just made this up in my head.

Sorry if this is not the place to ask.

Fantastic, thanks Mark. It was thinking that Brian Croucher played the 'Soames' character which was throwing me out. Also, I was absolutely convinced that it was called Baby, or something similar (a one word title I thought).

Just looked at some pictures online and I'm wondering how I could have mixed Brian Croucher up with Terence Stamp, but he was very different as a younger man, so I'll cut myself a little slack.

Thanks again, that is a maggot well and truly extracted.