I liked 12 Angry Men; what else should I watch?


i watched 12 Angry men, and i don't expected what it would be so excellent movie
advice something more

Trouble with a capital "T"
What was it specifically that you liked about it? That could help with others making recommendations.

If you liked the element of people in a confined area, jockeying for power and using their personalities to change events...then you might like Hitchcock's Lifeboat.

If you liked 12 Angry Men, I would also recommend the TV remake with Jack Lemmon and George C. Scott...just as good as the original. I would also recommend the 1959 film Anatomy of a Murder and 1982's The Verdict.

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You'd probably love "The Grapes of Wrath" -- it also stars Henry Fonda, and both movies are about injustice, as well as the earlier recommendations.

I highly recommend Rashomon, as they are similar in ways I don't want to mention.

When I watched 12 Angry Men, other members recommended to me Witness for the Prosecution and Judgement at Nuremberg. Those were excellent recommendations and now I pass them on to you

Citizen Rules
specifically i liked humans Depiction of personalities, and mark of past that appearances in vital behaviors

And then the last of the original trilogy 14 Hell-bound Men

After you're done with the original trilogy, you can dive right into the rest of the 12 Angry Men shared universe in any order. My favorites are 44 Drunk Men, 341 Men dressed as crows and 666 's.

Yeah in all seriousness, I'll recommend for you to watch as many movies on the AFI lists as you can.