Would you watch this if it were a movie or a tv show, or read it if it were a novel?


Registered User
Just came up with this now, have not refined it in any way. I apologize if the structure is sometimes bad, but it is a very rough draft of a synopsis and some other ideas.

Please read the whole way through if you are thinking about offering your opinion.

In a world where vampires rule all and they have set the planet in a state of eternal darkness from a vampire creation one human has the will to change it all. Humans are bred for blood and kept until they are too old to produce quality blood, at which time they are slaughtered. The vampires have ruled over the world for thousands of years and as such have had nothing but time to perfect the world in their image. The vampire breeders are not permitted to talk to the humans they breed as they are essentially beast-like humans who are naked and dirty and fight over scraps and they don't want them to learn any intelligent form of communication. Blood is delivered like milk to the houses of vampires. Entire humans can be purchased for special occassions or to vampires rich enough to always have a fresh human. The economies would be different and the money would deal in much larger numbers due to vampires having so much time to alot funds. One day a breeder will let slip one word due to some sort of event and that word would be heard by one human who would become the hero of this movie. He or she, I would probably go with she, would hear this one word and having discovered intelligent conversation will have a bunch of dots connected in her head and she will start to figure out ways to escape. This word will end up having signifigance in the human discovering their freedom. She is special for some reason and therefore smarter in ways than even some of the smartest of humans nowadays. She would go on some huge adventure and she would likely have to die as the only probable outcome. But she will have changed the world, or a small part of it, in some way. Some other random ideas to fit in: Vampires have developed some sort of sustainance for the humans almost like, sorry for the reference, True Blood from True Blood but for humans. The world outside of cities would be barren due to lack of sunlight, most animals will be dead but some will have adapted. The whole world could be a different place, many different things could have adapted such as the creatures of the sea; perhaps they would all be glowing like the deep sea creatures, maybe become more predatorial. There could be certain plants which glow a non-uv light. I suppose it might make more sense for this to be millions of years to account for the adaption or evolution if you prefer. There would be certain good vampire characters some of whom could even still be alive from the human times who prefer how things were back then. Maybe there are even small colonies of humans that have mainly gone undetected or perhaps are passed off as not even a threat. I'm literally just spit-balling this but lemme know if you think it sounds like an interesting idea.

It sounds interesting and I'd probably watch it if it were a movie, but I really hope you've registered your idea somewhere, seeing as you've posted it on an open forum that's accessible by pretty much the entire planet.

Moar vampires? Ill pass...