Danny Boyle's 127 Hours



127 HOURS is the new film from Danny Boyle, the Academy Award winning director of last year’s Best Picture, SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE. 127 HOURS is the true story of mountain climber Aron Ralston’s (James Franco) remarkable adventure to save himself after a fallen boulder crashes on his arm and traps him in an isolated canyon in Utah. Over the next five days Ralston examines his life and survives the elements to finally discover he has the courage and the wherewithal to extricate himself by any means necessary, scale a 65 foot wall and hike over eight miles before he is finally rescued. Throughout his journey, Ralston recalls friends, lovers (Clemence Poesy), family, and the two hikers (Amber Tamblyn and Kate Mara) he met before his accident. Will they be the last two people he ever had the chance to meet? A visceral thrilling story that will take an audience on a never before experienced journey and prove what we can do when we choose life


This definitely looks visually stunning, and the film is based on a crazy story. Don't do me wrong Danny boy, I will be seeing this one for sure.
If I had a dollar for every existential crisis I've ever had, does money really even matter?

Nice... Looks too damn interesting..

When the trailer mentions he has taken us places we've never seen & show scenes & titles of his movies.. I couldn't help notice Trainspotting... Were they referring to the toilet??

Nice trailer though.

planet news's Avatar
Registered User
The wins an Oscar and suddenly he's a brand name. I like how they flashed through his past films, reminding us of how awesome he is.


I saw a documentary on this before. Pretty amazing how the guy had to
WARNING: "127 Hours" spoilers below
surgically amputate his own arm, like, all on his own.
I'm glad Franco's in it. I like that guy.
"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

Yeah, I think this is going to be quite the movie experience. Over an hour of no dialogue? Awesome.

Also, this is quite the contrast from Danny Boyle's latest film.

planet news's Avatar
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Over an hour of no dialogue?
He talks to himself, I think. I think he might also have a video camera with him. Tell me if I'm wrong. I saw the show on him a long time ago.

Got it, Fiscal.

Nah, pretty sure the first hour is no dialogue, whatsoever. And apparently "Boyle won't be introducing any volleyball tricks".

planet news's Avatar
Registered User
There definitely is dialogue in the first "hour". You can see in the trailer that Franco's chillin' with those girls. Also, if that was me, I'd spend quite a while swearing, cursing God, laughing maniacally, and then praying aloud.

And WTF are "volleyball tricks"?

planet news's Avatar
Registered User
O. I see what they did there. I don't see it as a trick though. I think the volleyball is totally believable. Talking to yourself is a great way of overcoming loneliness. I do it all the time. Just check the Shoutbox. Thanks for the article.

It looks like this was before they started scripting or anything. The chicks in the beginning must have been added later to give Franco's character some... character. The bold move would have been to start the film in the canyon and have it be real-time.

RIP www.moviejustice.com 2002-2010
Yeah, I think this is going to be quite the movie experience. Over an hour of no dialogue? Awesome.

I watched it last night and there is dialogue throughout. Often of Aron talking into his camera as a confessional about what led to his horrible situation and how everything he did was stupid and functioned perfectly to leave him stranded there.
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I think I'll stay from anything that had anything to do with Slumdog Millionaire.
"Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and like it, never really care for anything else thereafter." - Ernest Hemingway

RIP www.moviejustice.com 2002-2010
I think I'll stay from anything that had anything to do with Slumdog Millionaire.
Agree and disagree.

I saw the last 10-15 minutes of Slumdog and really disliked it. But that has more to do with the content than quality I'm sure. I'm really not into the big Bollywood dance numbers and such.

So I understand your thoughts on that point. But it's also made by the man in charge of 28 Days Later and Trainspotting.

127 Hours is a good film. I'd rate it around a "B"

Sunshine is a decent film, but his best film is 28 Days Later.

Danny Boyle has yet to have a great or even really good movie. His best movie to date has been Sunshine, and that is only a 5 or 6 out of 10.
& since you have not mentioned this as a personal opinion but more as a statement.
I have to say that i disagree with you, but then again I rather not.. coz..

Gangs of New York was garbage. Training Day was excellent, though.
So I am pretty much sure you have no recognition in the quality of films..