Any suggestions?


Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions about an unusual movie that I could see?
I enjoy films like Fight Club, American Beauty, Lock Stock and Two Smoking barrels and anything Kubrick, but am sick of watching my same favourites over and over!
If you have to time to think of any suggestions it would be great!
A film is - or should be - more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later.

'unusual' is a hard word to quantify when we don't know what you consider as 'usual'. Those films you've listed aren't wildly different from other Hollywood films really. Give us your top 20 films and I'll have a think along those lines

It's hard to come up with a list that I think you'd like, but here just a few that came to mind quickly.

Requiem For A Dream
Dark City
Blow Up

I say take a chance and discover sometime entirely new if you can take watching movies with subtitles check out Seijun Suzuki films. Start with his more notable films Branded to Kill and Toyko Drifter then go into Youth of the Beast and Gate of Flesh. If not I recommend watch any films that you haven't seen by those directors you've mentioned yourself.

Check out the Sight and Sounds Directors Poll. A lot of really good and interesting films on that list.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

I think you should look for a different genre like Drama or Drama/Romance
the reader
The notebook
A beutiful mind!

You can try these kinds it will chnge your likes and dislikes!

The Pest is a very very strange movie but not sure if you would like it.

310 to yuma (remake)

Registered User
Can't help you. I like all kinds of movies except modern war movies. I don't like seeing body parts flying through the air. Mostly I like feel good movies. I find my likes and dislikes changing. I like Field of Dreams, Dragon Fly, Ever After. The adventure shows now have a little humor mixed in I liked Sahara, The Rock and many, many more. I have 450 some movies. I really like Sahara and the two male leads. I heard it describe as Big Dumb Fun and that about covers it.

Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions about an unusual movie that I could see?
I enjoy films like Fight Club, American Beauty, Lock Stock and Two Smoking barrels and anything Kubrick...
This may fall into that category . . .

Something Wild (1986)

Jeff Daniels, Melanie Griffith, Ray Liotta . . .

Soul Inside really has it down, Equilibrium and Donnie Darko are great flicks. You may also like End of Days, Towelhead, and The Thirteenth Floor.
But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet, Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. W.B. Yeats