Home page titles/quotes


I didn't know how to do a search on the topic so I'll try here. Who is responsible for making those little taglines or quotes that change daily and appear on the homepage? Today it says,
If You Named Your Dog Chewie, You're In The Right Place.

I just want to know who to thank.
~~More DVD extras, please. Thank you.

I wrote most of them, but a few are from other members. I think Spud wrote a couple, for example. Glad you like them! I like to think they give new visitors a good idea of what kind of site they're at right off the bat.

Funny story about one of them; we had "Fighting to Prevent Leprechaun 6" in the rotation...and then it came out. So we had to change it to "Fighting to Prevent Leprechaun 7." This time we must not fail.

Welcome to the human race...
On that note, I don't quite understand the whole "Four Monkeys, Ten Minutes" one. Is that a reference to something I haven't seen?
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

That one's a bit too subtle, perhaps. It's a reference to the whole "a infinite number of monkeys typing for an infinite number of years would eventually produce the works of Shakespeare" thing.