Yes! Jerricho is saved!


Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
This show was my fav of this past season. I liked it better than Lost and The Dresden Files. I couldn't believe they canceled it. I was hungry to hear the voice of the Hawkin's character again!

Fan's mailed nuts in to the CBS in protest. They flooded the in boxes and changed CBS's minds.

Yay fans!

A system of cells interlinked
I tried to get into this when it first started, watched about 5 episodes, and lost interest. Has it gotten any better? I just have trouble dealing with Skeet Ulrich, who I think is a pretty bad actor. Some of the characters were really cool, though.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
I'm not too fond of Skeet either. Since I liked it from the first episode and you didn't, it would be difficult for me to tell you if it got better or not. It could just be a different tastes sort of thing.

My fav character is the black dude, Hawkins, who we at first didn't know if he was good or bad. I love his whole family. His accent which is fake because he is British is like warm chocolate!

I love end of the world scenarios if they are well done.