I want to meet M Night


I don't know about the rest of you, but Night is one person I would love to meet.

Could you imagine having a long discussion with him and finding out what is in his head, or his life experiences which has given him such creativity in his films?

Originally Posted by mattie7632
I don't know about the rest of you, but Night is one person I would love to meet.

Could you imagine having a long discussion with him and finding out what is in his head, or his life experiences which has given him such creativity in his films?
I'd rather meet Steven Speilberg, Francis Ford Coppola or Stanley Kubrick.

Stanley Kubrick? I imagine he's one strange bird!

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Hate to break it to ya, but Mr. Kubrick has left the building.
"The dead don't talk. I don't know why." But they do try to communicate, with a short-order cook in a small desert town serving as their reluctant confidant. Meet Odd Thomas...

Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas

I would love to meet M. Night too.
"'How many more of you are there?'" - M. Night Shyamalan

Originally Posted by diane09
I would love to meet M. Night too.
I probably would enjoy meeting him, too, once I got past my abject fear of being around anyone who can create the kind of terror I felt during one of the scrunt scenes. I mean, where does the man get this stuff? I'm telling you, it's just not normal. ... There's something about being in the same room with someone who knows how to scare the beejesus out of me that makes me very, very nervous. Which means I'd like to meet him long enough to ask him where he gets such scary stuff. Then, I'd flee.

"'How many more of you are there?'" - M. Night Shyamalan
6.53 billion

Is it the scene where it jumps through the glass? That one scared me, I thought I was going to jump out of my seat.

Originally Posted by diane09
Is it the scene where it jumps through the glass? That one scared me, I thought I was going to jump out of my seat.
Yep. I've never ever had anything in a movie scare me that much, at least in terms of a startle reflex. And I go to the movies a lot, so it's not like I stick to little kids' fare. For some reason, that scene really got me. It's kind of strange, actually, because there was some foreshadowing--the varmint is seen crossing in the background a couple of times--so I should have known better. But, no. Popcorn spilled everywhere. Very embarrassing.

Originally Posted by sandyintheburbs
Yep. I've never ever had anything in a movie scare me that much, at least in terms of a startle reflex. And I go to the movies a lot, so it's not like I stick to little kids' fare. For some reason, that scene really got me. It's kind of strange, actually, because there was some foreshadowing--the varmint is seen crossing in the background a couple of times--so I should have known better. But, no. Popcorn spilled everywhere. Very embarrassing.
I saw it too. You could see it, kind of, through the glass. That's never happened to me either, well, it has, it just hadn't made me jump that much.

Originally Posted by diane09
I saw it too. You could see it, kind of, through the glass. That's never happened to me either, well, it has, it just hadn't made me jump that much.
I read something in the Bamberger book today that said Shyamalan had panic attacks while writing and filming LITW. I thought that was interesting, because when I first saw the movie I thought the scrunt-breaking-through-the-glass scene perfectly captured what a panic attack feels like. I remember thinking at the time, "Hmm. Either he's had panic attacks or he knows someone who has." (Well, actually, what I was thinking at the time was "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" But after I picked my heart up off the floor and put it back in my chest, I had the panic attack revelation. )

Originally Posted by sandyintheburbs
I read something in the Bamberger book today that said Shyamalan had panic attacks while writing and filming LITW. I thought that was interesting, because when I first saw the movie I thought the scrunt-breaking-through-the-glass scene perfectly captured what a panic attack feels like. I remember thinking at the time, "Hmm. Either he's had panic attacks or he knows someone who has." (Well, actually, what I was thinking at the time was "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" But after I picked my heart up off the floor and put it back in my chest, I had the panic attack revelation. )
Hmm...interesting. Did you think Night was hot in the film?

Originally Posted by diane09
Hmm...interesting. Did you think Night was hot in the film?
Do you mean "hot" as in: a) "hottie"? or b) "on fire creatively"?

1) Oh, yeah. Definitely. But I'm middle-aged, so any guy under 40 looks pretty good to me. I slow down in construction zones for more reasons than safe driving, ya' know.

2) Yep.

Originally Posted by sandyintheburbs
Do you mean "hot" as in: a) "hottie"? or b) "on fire creatively"?

1) Oh, yeah. Definitely. But I'm middle-aged, so any guy under 40 looks pretty good to me. I slow down in construction zones for more reasons than safe driving, ya' know.

2) Yep.

Oops. Switched from a and b to 1 and 2. I love growing old.

Originally Posted by sandyintheburbs
Do you mean "hot" as in: a) "hottie"? or b) "on fire creatively"?

1) Oh, yeah. Definitely. But I'm middle-aged, so any guy under 40 looks pretty good to me. I slow down in construction zones for more reasons than safe driving, ya' know.

2) Yep.
LOL. Yeah, I would too. Good thing I'm not the only person that thought that.

Not the only person--I thought he was hot in that movie too. How old is he?

Well Yoda, you are awfully knowledgeable.

Originally Posted by mattie7632
Well Yoda, you are awfully knowledgeable.
Yeah, tell me about it. I didn't even know he ran M. Night Shyamalan Online until today.

Originally Posted by mattie7632
Well Yoda, you are awfully knowledgeable.
Eh, sort of. As Samuel Johnson said: "Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it." A fair amount of mine is of the second variety.