Public Enemies


I am burdened with glorious purpose
In an effort to keep up the suspense -- is the film good? -- Rex Reed (he's still alive, eh?) of the New Yorker Observer called it the "best picture of the year."

Mr. Mann does more to illustrate the fabric of the gangster era than any film since Pete Kelly’s Blues. In the process, Public Enemies becomes one glamorous, glorious, gun-blazing whale of an entertainment.

Variety is not as smitten....

Looks like reviews will be mixed.

Glad to see Billy Crudup in that trailer.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Im really looking forward to seeing this movie I think Depp looks awesome in the trailers I have seen and the story sounds great
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

I've got my ticket for a midnight screening, about seven hours from now.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

If it's got Johnny Depp in it, it's bound to be good.. My favorite actor by far.

To be quite honest Yoda, I've only seen secret window out of those three.. You pretty much listed the movies I have yet too see hehe.. I've been wanting too see from hell for quite a while, I've just never got around too it.. Last movie I saw with Depp I think was Ed Wood.. Brilliant film!

Yeah, I'm just messin' with ya' a bit.

I don't hate From Hell, for what it's worth, but it was a big missed opportunity. I could absolutely understand someone enjoying it -- or not. I liked the style and the mood, but don't feel it really came together.

Gotta agree about Ed Wood, though. Lots of fun and extremely interesting, and though I'm less impressed with Depp than most movie lovers, I have to admit that the praise he gets for Ed Wood is entirely deserved.

While I don't think every single Johnny Depp movie is good (more of genre taste thing on my part), no one can say he's a bad actor. He's in fact a very good actor. My definition of a good actor is someone who can play any roll well.

I'm just fascinated by serial and spree killers. That combined with the fact that Depp is in it makes me want too see it =D

<edit>My personal favorite Depp movie has too be Fear & Loathing... I'm a huge fan of black comedy.

I think you'd really like From Hell n3wt. Stupid conclusion but, as it's a film and therefore, it's purpose it to entertain and not inform, it was the one I expected. I remember when the film was released, in an interview with Johnny Depp and the Hughes Brothers, they were talking about all the research that'd been done into the Ripper case and how they came to the conclusion. I was thinking at the time, if you researched it that much, how the hell did you end up there?

I am burdened with glorious purpose
Nice. Let us know how it is, Holds. Small chance I'll be seeing this as soon as tomorrow evening, but it depends on worky things.

I like From Hell -- and I agree it didn't really come together, but there's a lot I like about it, especially the ending. Honeykid, after I saw it, I did a bit of research and was rather surprised to find out how much it had departed from the graphic novel and that the Depp character was not an addict in real life. I wonder why they departed from it so much? Oh well! I liked it!

I thought Secret Window was rather fun even if it was another film that maybe didn't come together well and another instance of a King story not quite jelling on film.

And about this film, with Depp and Mann, I'm thinking it should be good -- or at the very least, interesting.

Registered User
Looks wicked...and here I thought it was how Dr Dre formed Public Enemy way back when.

Honeykid, after I saw it, I did a bit of research and was rather surprised to find out how much it had departed from the graphic novel and that the Depp character was not an addict in real life. I wonder why they departed from it so much? Oh well! I liked it!

I didn't even know it was a graphic novel until after I saw it. Was Abberline a drug addict in the GN? I know he wasn't in real life as the Ripper killings used to be one of my interests, which is why I was pretty sure how it would end. It's the entertainment ending and From Hell isn't the first one to do a lot of research and then go for one of the least likely suspects.

I am burdened with glorious purpose
Christine, I saw it, so did some others. We posted in the last movie you saw in the theatres thread:

Maybe some others posted in Movie Tab.

I always get confused around here as to where to go after the film has come out...wasn't sure to post here.

BTW, I was very disappointed with the film.

Would love to know what you thought.