Interview the Person Below You


There's no space there, so I'm guessing dust.

1. What's your favourite sit-com/half hour comedy show?
2. Do you know what you're going to have for dinner tonight?
3. What was your favourite toy as a child?
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Smells mystical, doesn't it?
1. Always Sunny.
2. Coffee.
3. I forget...

1. If you were stranded on an island which cereal mascot would you choose to be stranded with you?
2. What's your favourite instrument?
3. Would you consider yourself fashionable?
Let's talk some jive.

2. Guitar or piano. Erm... I just can't choose.
3. No. Definately not. Though, on occassion, fashion and I do collide. I do not enjoy it.

1. Have you ever made a model of something?
2. Do you know what a Chonga is?
3. Which group/singer do you wish everyone had heard of?

3.The Fleetwoods

Favorite Roy Orbison Song?

If you could live in only one month what would it be and why?

are you more of a country boy/gal or city boy/gal??
no one else is dealing with your demons friend - tyler joseph.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Hell no!!!! Sharks are my absolute worst fear.
First day of what season?

Where is the best place you've ever been?
What's your favorite Sesame Street character?
What animal do you most look like?

Don't give the prick the satisfaction.
1. New York City.
2. Never watched that show.
3. None, but I s'pose we all resemble an ape in some way.

1. Do you enjoy pudding or yogurt more?
2. Do you enjoy weight lifting or cardio work out more?
3. If you could visit any place, what would it be, and why?

Neither. I like walking, though, so I'll pick cardio
Drew Barrymore's bedroom. It's Drew Barrymore's bedroom.

1. Have you seen The Dark Knight Rises?
2. Do you own an Apple product?
3. What's your favourite Christmas film?

1. This Is Spinal Tap
2. Drew Barrymore sex tape
3. Yes

1. Has had a phone conversation that lasted over 3 hours?
2. Have you intentionally failed an interview?
3. Have you taken part in a parade?

1. No

Would you rather be brains or brawn?

Favorite Classical Song

Have you seen The Munsters Television Show??

Luckily I don't have to choose. But as that's the game, Brains
Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata
Yes. Both the original and the remake.

Do you like Led Zepplin?
Have you read the Twilight books?
Have you been in a submarine?

Chappie doesn't like the real world
1. Not for the most part, but there are a couple songs I like.
2 . No,and I never will.
3. No

1. Which do you think is worse: an innocent person who goes to prison, or a guilty person who goes free?
2. Which is the messiest room in your house?
3. What kind of salad dressing do you use?

Innocent person in jail.
My bedroom
I don't, but I love salad cream.

Did you watch Citizen Khan?
What's your favourite rollercoaster?
Do you prefer blinds, shutters or curtains?

Smells mystical, doesn't it?
Nah, lol.
I dislike them.
All three at the same time.

Which one of the seven deadly sins are you?
Do you like Tom Waits?
What's your favourite body part?

I'm all of them. Isn't that the point?
No. He's a prick.
In general or my own? In general, it's probably skin, but of my own, it's my hair.

What your favourite ball game?
Owes a family member money?
What's your favourite book?

Smells mystical, doesn't it?
I'm all of them. Isn't that the point?
No. He's a prick.
In general or my own? In general, it's probably skin, but of my own, it's my hair.

Lol.. don't know Tom Waits.

Hey Unicorn you didn't ask questions.

1.Would you rather be the most famous and well known or would you be middle class wage but with an amazing wife and children??
2. Favorite Everly Brothers Song?
3. Dean Martin or Sammy Davis Jr.?

Chappie doesn't like the real world
1. Um, neither really. I wouldn't want to be famous (you didn't say rich, I would have picked that), nor do I want children.
2. Bird Dog
3. Sammy, baby!

1. Have you ever had an argument with a stranger? What about?
2. Describe the last really good day you had.
3. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?