Survivor 4: LATVERIA


Just remember that I'll be extremely beatable if I play the Duel and win.

The Sci-Fi Slob
Sexy Celebrity

Hit Girl

Daniel M

Whats funny is at the bottom you have the Reviews: Deadpool as your sig too. You need to buy a Deadpool coffee cup lol!

Suspect plans to come back from the Deadpool and win it all.

Let him.

You know you want him to win this game.

It's your heart's deepest desire.

Still Suspect would get my vote for that dancing Bale gif alone! Thankfully it doesn't come to a vote, now.
I knew it. You DO have a deep desire to see him win.

Desire to see him win the deadpool maybe, but i really want Nope and HItgirl to win too and i've got a feeling i'm joining them now after this vote.
You'll like it. Losing "Survivor" is an ecstasy not easily found in this world. Especially pathetic internet forum based "Survivor" games. Enjoy it like rich chocolate.

"The votes are in.

Wolfsbaneman 1
Camoleon 3

Camoleon is Hard To Kill, and is the final member of the deadpool.

Camoleon, TheUsualPsycho, Beatrix Girl, and Mr Nope will duel against each other, and one will return to the game.

The game is on hold for Rhys DeLarge, Daniel Brent, and Wolfsbanesman till this is resolved.

More to come....."

Ohhhhh how I envy the pain Camo must be feeling now... the good pain... the sweet pain... the pleasurable pain... I am jealous of the agony he is going through. My jealousy is only a sliver of that pain... I cannot feel the pain as strongly as Camo must feel pain now..... Ohhhhhhhh that only heightens my own pain. CAMO! I feel your pain and it feels so goodddddddddd.


I was hoping Camo wouldn't voted out because it would mean one less person to compete with.
OHHHHHHHHHHH. Another person in pain. Enjoy!

Sorry that it had to be this way Camo. I would have loved to have been in the final with you, but tough choices have to be made now I've actually got an apology PM ready to send, but once again you're inbox is full.

When is the Duel that I am apparently not playing in now thanks to somebody?

Oh, well. I saw this coming, good luck to the three of you .
Your Duel Gunbelt, if you wish to use it, would have to be used before the deadpool duel. Once the deadpool duel starts the belts nullified. So you have as much time as it takes me to coordinate this challenge to decide if youll use it.

This may or may not take awhile to organize.Will be PMing them now.