I'm Bored my DVD collection ever changing


Lady in the Water- 5/10 I'd say M Night has had better days
I do agree yet I've found something worth while in every single film he has every made and yes even The Happening. To be as straight-forward as possible Lady in the Water is my least favourite of his and I still rate it 65/100 respectfully.

L.A. Confidential- 8.5/10 Absolutely and insanely awesome. Where does this film rate among your collection?

Million Dollar Baby- 9.5/10 This is in my top 10 of all time. I know that there are a lot of haters but I thought the acting was top notch and the directing really couldn't get better as well as the storyline.
Absolutely agree

Mulholland Dr.- Haven't seen but I really think that I should buy this one
Lynch is a hard nut to break have you seen anything else of his ?

Miller’s Crossing- Once again, I really want to see this one.
I almost want to recommend watching Blood Simple first though it really doesn't matter just one more recommendation for you

Once Upon a time in the West- you recommended this to me, hopefully I can get to it at some point in time.
It's a super cheap DVD something in the region of 8 bucks for the special edition well worth the money sight unseen

Platoon- 6/10 It really isn't my cup of tea, but I can see how people do like it.
This one might end up growing on you.

Pulp Fiction- 5.5/10 Yeah, yeah 99% of everyone would disagree
Maybe it was a timing issue for you. I can honestly say I don't like it as much as I use too.I'd probably give it 85/100

Pearl Harbour- 6/10 I do not hate it as much as everybody else does, but its length really gets to me
What do you mean by it's length really gets to me ? good or bad ?

I'm pretty sure you meant you liked it but it could have been stripped down by a good hour. Though, I think what Bay was trying to do is make a complete spectical. I watched it recently and was pretty mad by the end of it all. It trips over itself continiously.

Ratatouille- 8/10 One of my favorite Disney films
An Animation by Pixar made almost strickly for adults, it does work well, doesn't it.

Requiem for a Dream- 5/10 I didn't get the point of it. I'm sure I was missing something but I had no appeal to the movie
I've only seen it once and now at this very moment I released something rather interesting I own every film directed by Darren Aronofsky and everyone has been a blind buy of mine Pi, Requirm and The Fountain, interesting.

The Royal Tenenbaums- 6/10 In my collection, but I was sincerely disappointed with it.
The thing about Wes is the crazyier he gets the more I find myself loving his mad cap sensibilty. I ranted and raved about The Life Aqutic with Steve Zissou to my mom so she watched it and then she ranted and raved about how bad it was. So he's not everyone's cup of tea. Have you seen anything else he's done and did you like it. I recently tried to watch Bottle Rockets again, I say tried cause I couldn't make it threw. my memories of it was a lot more Wes then it actually felt like. I'll have to give it another try. I remember the coveralls and the small motorcycle and the fireworks of course plus a lot more it just didn't come together as I thought it did.

Here's a picture of some of my dvd's in my room and the insanity of living in a very very small space
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Superbad- 7/10 I think it really is pretty good. Apatow can be the man when he wants to be.
The Secret of Nimh Normal and Special Edition- I haven't seen this in awhile, but I know I enjoyed it when I saw it.
Snatch- I remember trying to watch this awhile ago, but I just couldn't get into it.
Saving Private Ryan- 8.5/10 Solid gold. Probably my favorite war film.
Signs- 8/10 This is probably in my top 50 of all time. I think it is Shyamalan's best. The screenplay was just written so well.
Stranger Than Fiction 7.5/10 I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. I thought the acting was great and I found a lot of good humor to come out of it.
Seven- 8/10 I wasn't a big fan the first time I saw it. The second time I saw it I realized it really is a great movie.
The Searchers- want to see soon
Sin City- 7.5/10 This really was great. Normally a movie like this wouldn't grab my attention but the visuals are stunning.
Some Like It Hot- hopefully will see soon
Transformers The Movie- 8/10 I enjoyed the first one a lot. Even the 2nd one is decent for me, though everyone else hates it
Training Day- 7/10 Ironically, not one of my favorite performances from Denzel. He did great, but I thought he should have won an oscar for Hurricane if he won one for this
Troy- 7/10 Just a fun war movie if you ask me
Traffic- 2/10 Probably my least favorite movie that I own
Unforgiven- 9/10 Wow I love this movie. No collection is complete without this
V for Vendetta- 9/10 Just pure power if you ask me
What`s Eating Gilbert Grape- I saw this but it was so long ago that I can't really rate it. How does this one fare for you?

Overall, I wouldn't mind adding a lot of movies that you have to my collection as well. I think it's fantastic.

Snatch- I remember trying to watch this awhile ago, but I just couldn't get into it.
I'm pretty sure if you don't like this you probably won't like anything ritche done. He's style over substance

Saving Private Ryan- 8.5/10 Solid gold. Probably my favorite war film.
What are the other war movies you've seen ?

Signs- 8/10 This is probably in my top 50 of all time. I think it is Shyamalan's best. The screenplay was just written so well.
I know a lot of people who can't stand this film, glad to have another on my side

Stranger Than Fiction 7.5/10 I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. I thought the acting was great and I found a lot of good humor to come out of it.
Vastly becoming one of my favourite films

Seven- 8/10 I wasn't a big fan the first time I saw it. The second time I saw it I realized it really is a great movie.
I'm suprised you like this!

Transformers The Movie- 8/10 I enjoyed the first one a lot. Even the 2nd one is decent for me, though everyone else hates it
This is the animation have you seen it ?

Training Day- 7/10 Ironically, not one of my favorite performances from Denzel. He did great, but I thought he should have won an oscar for Hurricane if he won one for this
I'm not sure if i've asked you but have you seen Devil in a Blue Dress if you are a denzel fan which I know you are do yourself a favour rent as soon as possible. I agree he should never have one an oscar for this or even for The Hurricane he's had far better performances.

Traffic- 2/10 Probably my least favorite movie that I own
Your too hard on films. I love the scope, the photography done by the director under another name. The expermental working of it and seeing Soderbergh's take on a poilce proceederal film not unlike the cop films of Lumets

What`s Eating Gilbert Grape- I saw this but it was so long ago that I can't really rate it. How does this one fare for you?
I can't really say i'm in the same boat as you. I bought it remembering how much I really dug it from a pure character ensemble piece and Hallstrom is one of my favourite directors.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Transformers The Movie- 8/10 I enjoyed the first one a lot. Even the 2nd one is decent for me, though everyone else hates it
This is the animation have you seen it ?

I have seen it, but I did mean the movie. I actually like the animation as well.

I think the place is called charlie's it's in downtown vancouver grandville just down from sears they probably have a few more copies of it and I beileve it was pretty cheap too. they have a pretty good used section of DVD. Not the best but not the worse in pricing as well.

Forgot to add:
Every season of Seinfeld
Band of Brothers
Miami Vice Season One

I bought some dvds today

Guy Ritchie's REVOLVET
The Sandlot
Enternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Class of 1984