
I love the feeling after you see a masterpiece for the first time.
That's the reason why I love discovering new movies so much. It's such an undescribably satisfying feeling when you've finally found another new favorite (a new top 100 kind of film)! The last time I had it was last week with Le Cercle Rouge. I literally applauded to my screen when it was over.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

I watch new potential favorites all the time, but it's rare for me to discover a film I consider true filmmaking genius. A real masterpiece is hard to come by.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
Tokyo Story was near masterpiece for me.
It is a masterpiece! I'm really glad you liked that, Raul. I know that Ozu is not for many people, but I have so much love for him and his movies.

Anyways, I started today at my first internship. Seems like this whole first week will be online training and interviews with my group, being corporate is so much fun...

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
It is a masterpiece! I'm really glad you liked that, Raul. I know that Ozu is not for many people, but I have so much love for him and his movies.

Anyways, I started today at my first internship. Seems like this whole first week will be online training and interviews with my group, being corporate is so much fun...
Its a great film! Its weird because i have favorites rated ahead of it, but on a technical standpoint it is greater. If that makes sense.

How many films do you think are "masterpieces"?
That's a good question... I definitely consider my top ten to be masterpieces. But I don't think my top 100 would be all masterpieces.

I don't know. Hard to answer.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
That's a good question... I definitely consider my top ten to be masterpieces. But I don't think my top 100 would be all masterpieces.

I don't know. Hard to answer.
I definitely dont think there are 100 masterpieces i have seen. Maybe 30-40ish

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
I use the term masterpiece pretty loosely, it typically applies to any movie I found to be profound or profoundly moving. Not necessarily a perfect movie (ex. Distant Voices, Still Lives), but one that left a unique and (at least semi-) permanent stamp in my head.

out of curiosity, how do you guys define a masterpiece when it comes to a movie

edit: bluedeed beat me to the question by providing his general thoughts. but i'd still like to hear rauldc, swan, or anyone else's process

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
out of curiosity, how do you guys define a masterpiece when it comes to a movie
I look at it more from a technical standpoint, mainly acting cinematography direction and dialogue.

out of curiosity, how do you guys define a masterpiece when it comes to a movie

edit: bluedeed beat me to the question by providing his general thoughts. but i'd still like to hear rauldc, swan, or anyone else's process
Honestly, for me, a lot of it is the power of the script. Characterization, character development, how the writer/director tells the story, the themes, etc. Also, technical stuff comes into play, like cinematography can go a long way. A lot of the time it is just a film that has a lot of what I like. Even though it's not what most would consider a masterpiece, I consider Primer a masterpiece for me because it has a lot of stuff I like in it - science fiction, science, being a puzzle film, heady intellectual dialogue. It also has a certain 'at home' feel for me because the characters act and talk a hell of a lot like my cousin, who was my best friend growing up. It's probably the perfect example of a movie I can watch on repeat for the rest of my life without ever getting bored. For those reasons, it's a masterpiece in my book.

You want to see a cinematic masterpiece... watch "La Belle et La Bete" from 1946 directed by Jean Cocteau. THAT is a masterpiece.. so visually stunning. It is decades before its time.

That is a great movie. One of Guillermo del Toro's favorites.
I would say its the only film I give 9/10 to.... maybe a 9.25/10.. not many get even that high of a rating from me...