Spin-off thread about feminism


i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
I'm assuming that rape is non consensual by definition, so being "denied sex by willing participants" is a prerequisite for it. So it stands to reason that any gender that is disproportionately denied that consent is going to have more opportunities to commit the offense. Swap out a few words, and I'm basically saying something like "countries with more banks have more instances of wire fraud." It's downright banal, really, which was by design, given the potency of the topic.

Saying I'm glossing over it assumes the conclusion; it's only a relevant point if you start with the premise that rape is just about getting off. I don't think that, so there's nothing for me to respond to.

Even if I did think that, though, people obviously aren't interchangeable, so I think the "s" on "participants" is causing some trouble here. If you're sexually rejected by someone, that isn't just going to be psychologically transferable onto any other warm body. Even if someone else has sex with you, you were still rejected by that person.

You literally just said it, though: "loss of power from..." That's a non-getting-off reason. You even quoted this, from my last post, where I point out that sexual rejection fits either explanation:

"The specific psychological machinations are a separate matter, since all the things you're describing are influenced (and potentially inflamed) by being sexually rejected."
ok... i feel like there's a big miscommunication here and i honestly don't know when or where it started lol, maybe we agree more than we realize, i dunno. i'm gonna try to go back to the beginning of the debate:

my whole argument from the getgo was that sexism/disrespect of women plays a huge part in rape and rape culture because it's about control and power. men, usually being the ones used to being in control, have a harder time letting go of that power, and are therefore more apt to commit these heinous acts. initially i thought you were disagreeing with that, and saying that actually, it's because men find themselves in situations where they are being denied sex more, and that's pretty much the reason why.

would you agree with me here or no? if i've misunderstood or misrepresented your beliefs, i'm sorry.

Originally Posted by Yoda
Yes. I don't have permission from the person to say anything that would make them easy to identify, so I'll only say that I was close with such a person once, and we talked about it many times.

But I'm curious: what if I hadn't been? We haven't been discussing my ability to empathize with victims of assault, so what conclusion could have been drawn from it?
that's ok, i wasn't expecting you to give me specifics if you had them. i was asking mainly because i think actually talking to victims of assault is one of the best ways of understanding the mindset of the perpetrator and the victim. it wasn't necessarily a "gotcha!" moment, i was just honestly curious. i've learned a lot just from hearing my friends who shared their stories with me.

Originally Posted by Yoda
I don't know much about "sewer work," but that's not something I would have grouped in with, ya' know, firefighting, as having a really obvious, really substantial strength component.
i thought we were just talking about fields that are mainly male dominated, where strength is a factor. i think sewer work or sanitation falls in those categories. i threw out the police and firefighting as examples, but i thought the sewer/sanitation/coal mining ones were good examples because they are generally seen as gross jobs that no one wants to do, and i've seen many MRA's say that women don't want those jobs because they aren't willing to do them, not cause they are being denied them.

Originally Posted by Yoda
I'm looking through some of those now, though, and they seem pretty mixed. For example, as far as I can tell (I'm stepping away in a minute so I may have I missed one), only one of these is actually about discrimination, and it's just about how a suit has been filed, which doesn't really seem dispositive. Particularly given that the accusers actually say their sexuality may have been the driving factor. Which isn't, ya' know, good, but I'd like to know whether or not we're actually talking about sexism, or just sort of lumping all discrimination together now.
as soon as i posted that link i knew you were gonna point out the one that was also about discrimination against their sexuality

anyway, look at them more when you have a minute i guess. but i'd also urge you to do your own research on the subject since mine has apparently fallen short. maybe look up Mierle Laderman Ukeles if you get an urge to look into this stuff on your own she was a HUGE advocate.

Originally Posted by Yoda
I'm not sure I follow the link between petitioning for mine safety and gender discrimination. If anything, isn't this a potential explanation? If men just take the dangerous jobs as they are, but women demand increased safety protocols for them, that seems like a pretty clear incentive for people to hire more men. And while someone can object to that, it really wouldn't be an example of sexism: it'd be an example of not wanting to implement safety protocols.
are you referring to the first link i posted under about coal mining? cause it's not really a petition of any kind, it's facts about women (and children) working as coal miners during the Industrial Revolution.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
My suspicion is there might be a disconnect between what people think happens in aggregate, and their personal experiences. IE: everyone thinks women are unfairly pressured into staying with their children, even if almost no individual women will feel that they were.
i wouldn't say they are unfairly pressured to stay home, but moreso that it's what is expected cause of gender roles. i do think there are probably some women who would rather have a career but chose to stay home with their children because their significant other has a better paying job with a better chance of promotion. and you're right, i wouldn't say they are unhappy about this - most stay-at-home moms i know are happy with that.

Welcome to the human race...
Then do you care to explain the gender wage gap lie which is often at the forefront of third wave feminists "problems"
Do you mean the commonly-quoted 77% statistic that got brought up at the beginning of that Stefan Molyneux video you posted? If so, it's a case of how a single numerical statistic does not automatically reflect the numerous factors at play - the Molyneux video definitely touched on that, as did my own research into other sources. It only becomes a lie if one insists on disregarding the context and using it as a concrete fact no matter what side of the issue they're on (especially since the gaps for women of different races is larger anyway). Even if the gap isn't a one-size-fits-all 77%, it's not like it doesn't exist at all - the fact that there is a gap at all is the issue, and the size of the gap itself is only one part of that issue.

Rape culture is a setting in which rape is pervasive and normalized due to societal attitudes about gender and sexuality. There is disagreement over what defines rape culture and as to whether any societies currently meet the criteria for a rape culture.

Rape and violent crime is way down over the past two decades, feminists will say rape is down because of feminists, it just so happens by chance so is violent crime...
Yeah, it's a good thing we're not living in a rape culture or else we might have allowed a man with a long history of misogynistic behaviour and rape accusations to be elected president over a woman.

But seriously, as evidenced by the aforementioned gender wage gap discussion, a single statistic does not completely reflect the complicated array of social/cultural factors that would influence said statistic one way or the other. Remember when you referenced Brian Banks and I responded with the comparison to Brock Turner? The discrepancy between their outwardly-similar cases is enough to indicate that there are greater factors at work that can't just be disproved by bringing up one stat.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Yeah, it's a good thing we're not living in a rape culture or else we might have allowed a man with a long history of misogynistic behaviour and rape accusations to be elected president over a woman.
Yeah but that same woman was married Bill Clinton, who had his own rape accusations and his own long list of horrible behavior towards women. And she stayed by the guy the whole way and has been accused of intimidating his victims into silence. She is no angel either.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
Yeah but that same woman was married Bill Clinton, who had his own rape accusations and his own long list of horrible behavior towards women. And she stayed by the guy the whole way and has been accused of intimidating his victims into silence. She is no angel either.
and if his argument had been that Hillary is innocent and Trump isn't this response would actually make sense

also, can we stop acting like these two things are both equally horrible? because they clearly aren't, as only one of them is a deliberate and violent act

November 7, 2016 called. they want their tired/irrelevant arguments back.

and if his argument had been that Hillary is innocent and Trump isn't this response would actually make sense

November 7, 2016 called. they want their tired/irrelevant arguments back.
My point is it is hard to point at Trump and cry "rape culture" as being part of why Hilary lost the election, and ignore Bill Clinton. It just makes no sense and smacks of the typical political crap.

And Bill's allegations came to light decades ago and not just a month or so before an election.

My point is it is hard to point at Trump and cry "rape culture" as being part of why Hilary lost the election, and ignore Bill Clinton. It just makes no sense and smacks of the typical political crap.

And Bill's allegations came to light decades ago and not just a month or so before an election.
Yeah, I repped that because I can see Trump "the pig" but not Trump "the rapist". With his billions these supposed rape victims would have come at him years ago, that smear was just another layer of slime on the election.

Is Donald Trump a pig of a man? Someone who has said bad things about women, screwed around, and behaved in some shocking manners in the past? Of course he is. We have known this for decades. Bill Clinton is the exact some kind of guy only with less orange skin and an Arkansas accent. But the "misogynist" card was far from the lips of Democrats when Clinton was running for president and re-election.

What really wore me out this past election cycle was the constant labeling of one candidate, when the same could be said of the other one, if not more so.

My point is it is hard to point at Trump and cry "rape culture" as being part of why Hilary lost the election, and ignore Bill Clinton. It just makes no sense and smacks of the typical political crap.

And Bill's allegations came to light decades ago and not just a month or so before an election.
Hillary is, in a way, condoning her husband's actions, I feel, by the way she steps out in the spotlight and asks people to support her, to vote for her in elections, etc. Bill did all of this stuff while married to her, and she just sticks by him -- because she knows she needs to be married to him and remain looking like a power couple.

She wants people to get over what Bill Clinton did. To forgive him, as she apparently did with him. But the problem is -- not everyone out there is going to forgive him! And THAT's probably one reason why she is not going to be our next President. She is basically like the wife of Bill Cosby going out and trying to become President. She really is.

Hillary is, in a way, condoning her husband's actions, I feel, by the way she steps out in the spotlight and asks people to support her, to vote for her in elections, etc. Bill did all of this stuff while married to her, and she just sticks by him -- because she knows she needs to be married to him and remain looking like a power couple.

She wants people to get over what Bill Clinton did. To forgive him, as she apparently did with him. But the problem is -- not everyone out there is going to forgive him! And THAT's probably one reason why she is not going to be our next President. She is basically like the wife of Bill Cosby going out and trying to become President. She really is.
And now you made me think of South Park.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
Hillary is, in a way, condoning her husband's actions, I feel, by the way she steps out in the spotlight and asks people to support her, to vote for her in elections, etc. Bill did all of this stuff while married to her, and she just sticks by him -- because she knows she needs to be married to him and remain looking like a power couple.

She wants people to get over what Bill Clinton did. To forgive him, as she apparently did with him. But the problem is -- not everyone out there is going to forgive him! And THAT's probably one reason why she is not going to be our next President. She is basically like the wife of Bill Cosby going out and trying to become President. She really is.
so people chose an actual rapist over a rape apologist? and this is better somehow? this is the most cringe-worthy thing about this whole argument - one is a very deliberate, violent act and the other is really shetty, but not on the same scale as actual rape.

if that's the actual reason Hillary lost, that's kinda sad. (it's not, i'm just saying if it was)

that's all i'm gonna say about that in here cause i'm not trying to derail another thread with Trump political bs

1 - most rapes aren't reported. look it up.

2 - i think Bill Clinton is gross and misogynistic, too. so, no, #notalldemocrats
I understand. It just looks incredibly suspicious these women would come forward now. If he was a criminal like Bill Cosby, then there would be talks and rumors for years beforehand. When that girl was raped at the Kennedy compound years ago, it was all over the place. Even Bill Clinton had a much more rumored "piggish" personality than Trump, but Id elect Bill over him 8 days out of 7 anyway.

He's a blight on our country, theres enough besides that stuff to disdain him is all.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
I understand. It just looks incredibly suspicious these women would come forward now. If he was a criminal like Bill Cosby, then there would be talks and rumors for years beforehand. When that girl was raped at the Kennedy compound years ago, it was all over the place. Even Bill Clinton had a much more rumored "piggish" personality than Trump, but Id elect Bill over him 8 days out of 7 anyway.

He's a blight on our country, theres enough besides that stuff to disdain him is all.
i agree with you wholeheartedly it looks suspicious, and i also think it's incredibly gross if it the info was kept from the public eye just for the "october surprise"

but it's like every time a woman comes forward that she was raped, if she doesn't do it right away she's seen as a liar. which is exactly why women don't come forward most of the time. because people are more worried about ruining the man's life than about her welfare :/

1 - most rapes aren't reported. look it up.
I got a masters in criminology. You are very correct.

Most rapes are not reported. We can still get a better feel for rape offenses in non official stats and interviews And rapes do get reported years after they occur. That is the reason why many states have either very long (approx 20-25 years) or no statute of limitations on sexual assault. And there is very good reason. Going through the criminal justice process and facing your accuser in court causes the rape victim to have to relieve what very well may be the single most traumatic event in their lives. Couple that with a defense team who use the most effective and despicable defense for rape: make the victim look like a slut. As such lots of high dollar attorneys will come through the victims lives looking for any piece of dirt to paint a false image of the victim as a loose woman who is angry and wants to smear the rapist. It happens all the time I am afraid. It is no wonder why rape has been THE most under reported crime since probably ever.

Thankfully by comparing said unofficial states to official ones (the FBI UCR data) we have seen that over the years this gap between rapes per year (shown better in the unofficial reporting) and the rapes reported (UCR) data has begun to shrink. Slowly albeit, but it does show that slowly the stigmata of rape that has been around since Biblical times is shrinking. At least in the US.

These woman who are brave and strong and are willing to suffer through hell to name their accuser, they deserve our support. But when the accusers are pointed at a man who is worth billions, has made a public brand for himself for decades, even resurrecting his notability and worth in a very popular reality TV show, only now cry allegations a month or so before a very heated, very ugly, very brutal election is about to end with the polls opening... and one has to treat the allegations with more then a little skepticism. If they got proof of a smoking gun great. Other wise it seems dubious.

Trump still a pig though. No arguments there.

but it's like every time a woman comes forward that she was raped, if she doesn't do it right away she's seen as a liar. which is exactly why women don't come forward most of the time. because people are more worried about ruining the man's life than about her welfare :/
Yeah. Yeah it is bad. Around 10 years ago I think the statistics for rape was 1 out of 3 women would be sexually assaulted in some fashion before hitting adulthood, for guys it was 1 in 5. If the movie Spotlight was any indicator then by now its much worse.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
Because there's no proof that Trump actually did anything wrong except talk dirty about a couple of women while riding around in a caravan thing with some guys. People assume Trump has done all of this horrible stuff, and maybe he did -- but there's no proof. It hasn't been proven, while Bill Clinton has admitted to some of what he did.
it's incredibly hard to prove that someone was raped, even if they do go straight to the police.

with Bill Cosby, the only reason people started believing it was because of the amount of women who stepped forward and how similar their predicaments and experiences were. plus, there's a foundation there. and a court case.

I understand. It just looks incredibly suspicious these women would come forward now. If he was a criminal like Bill Cosby, then there would be talks and rumors for years beforehand. When that girl was raped at the Kennedy compound years ago, it was all over the place. Even Bill Clinton had a much more rumored "piggish" personality than Trump, but Id elect Bill over him 8 days out of 7 anyway.

He's a blight on our country, theres enough besides that stuff to disdain him is all.
Tongo you and I will disagree about the "blight on the nation" part. At least for now. I am in wait and see mode.

But I can respect someone who just does not like the candidate based on their politics and policy as opposed to Tabloid fodder.

Welcome to the human race...
My point is it is hard to point at Trump and cry "rape culture" as being part of why Hilary lost the election, and ignore Bill Clinton. It just makes no sense and smacks of the typical political crap.

And Bill's allegations came to light decades ago and not just a month or so before an election.
Here's the thing: Trump had no problem assembling a number of Bill's accusers during one of the presidential debates in order to discredit Hillary, yet he himself had a number of outstanding accusers who were filing suits against him as well. The hypocrisy involved in this move is staggering. Besides which, his ex-wife Ivana delivered a sworn statement of him committing marital rape decades ago so it's not like this recent wave of accusers was just a completely fresh smear campaign.

Yeah, I repped that because I can see Trump "the pig" but not Trump "the rapist". With his billions these supposed rape victims would have come at him years ago, that smear was just another layer of slime on the election.
Aside from the aforementioned Ivana thing, consider the stigma that affects those who come forth with rape accusations, especially against the rich and famous. The fear of being publicly denigrated is enough to keep people from making reports or accusations for years after the fact - and that's just when the perp isn't a wealthy celebrity. You thinking that they would have come for him years ago simply because he was rich is part of the problem - it's more about getting justice than getting money (though it kind of sucks that people effectively have to accept cash settlements since actual incarceration for publicly beloved figures is such a long shot - just look at what happened with R. Kelly). Also, I can't blame them for coming forward during the election cycle - if the man who sexually assaulted you stood a good chance of becoming the U.S. President, that would be beyond too far.

Is Donald Trump a pig of a man? Someone who has said bad things about women, screwed around, and behaved in some shocking manners in the past? Of course he is. We have known this for decades. Bill Clinton is the exact some kind of guy only with less orange skin and an Arkansas accent. But the "misogynist" card was far from the lips of Democrats when Clinton was running for president and re-election.

What really wore me out this past election cycle was the constant labeling of one candidate, when the same could be said of the other one, if not more so.
Meanwhile, what wore me out was the media narrative that attempted to present both candidates as being equally bad in the interest of "fairness". Hillary definitely has her flaws, but at least she's a somewhat competent veteran of politics who can sort of be trusted to do the job. The Donald, on the other hand...

Here's the thing: Trump had no problem assembling a number of Bill's accusers during one of the presidential debates in order to discredit Hillary, yet he himself had a number of outstanding accusers who were filing suits against him as well. The hypocrisy involved in this move is staggering. Besides which, his ex-wife Ivana delivered a sworn statement of him committing marital rape decades ago so it's not like this recent wave of accusers was just a completely fresh smear campaign.
It might have been a hypocritical move, but he did what he felt he had to do to win the election. Whatever works.

Originally Posted by Iroquois
Meanwhile, what wore me out was the media narrative that attempted to present both candidates as being equally bad in the interest of "fairness". Hillary definitely has her flaws, but at least she's a somewhat competent veteran of politics who can sort of be trusted to do the job. The Donald, on the other hand...
It isn't just about the people who are trying to become President. It can also be about the parties and what they represent and believe in. Maybe people have just had enough of 8 years of the Democrats and their beliefs about things.