Who will take on Obama in 2012?


The streak continues: three or four "yeah!" answers and a few others that just make me scratch my head (he's against air conditioning for the troops. ). Though fewer of the latter, since they didn't talk about foreign policy much.
Haha, yeah the AC thing through me for a loop. I mean, I totally understand what he meant - just sustaining something such as AC in all of these different areas has a huge price tag (and without this pricetag we could fix a problem at home without adding to the deficit), but his statement came out pretty funny. Ron has always had a problem with rambling and coming off a bit incoherent when getting excited though. Also, I think he is so used to being on the defensive, that when given the opportunities for offense he was a little taken back.

Also, his fence answer was awesome until it was AWFUL. He got pretty Alex Jones-ish at the end with the whole bit about the fence keeping us in, even though I know he didn't totally mean it in that context.

Meanwhile, I thought it was pretty hilarious that Brian Williams had to keep asking questions about limited government, like he'd never heard of it before. "So, wait, like...the government wouldn't do that for us at all? Seriously?" Yes, Brian. It's not a new idea.
Wow, Brian was killing me. MSNBC is a joke.
If I had a dollar for every existential crisis I've ever had, does money really even matter?

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
The middle isn't going to change enough to elect a President who wishes to completely abandon Social Securuty.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

Yeah, I was of two minds about the fence thing. On one hand, it was too dramatic, because things aren't that bad. But as a general "we should be more worried about bureaucrats than immigrants" sentiment, it was spot-on and very metaphorically clever. It's just not clear if everyone will immediately realize it was a metaphor, since the fence is actually a literal thing.

And quick rant: STOP ASKING THE CANDIDATES IN THE DEBATE WHO IS WINNING THE DEBATE. Seriously, it's ridiculous. They'll say "who got the better end of that?" rather than "what do you think about X?" They'll frame their questions like "are you in danger of losing pro-life supporters?" rather than "why do you believe what you do, and what common ground do you have with those who disagree?" It's bad enough that every joker on the street wants to be a pundit, but now the pundits are asking the candidates to think like pundits. It's terrible.

The middle isn't going to change enough to elect a President who wishes to completely abandon Social Securuty.
The fact that you said this--and think the issue is binary--tells me that you have no idea what I'm even talking about. Which is what happens when you spend way more time thinking about politics than actual ideology or policy.

Moreover, what constitutes "the middle" has changed dramatically over the last several decades alone, nevermind the last century. It will all change. A lot. I'm sure there was a time when people couldn't conceive of a government-guaranteed pension, either.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
The middle shifts, it has not dramatically changed since the New Deal and that was brought upon by an ecconomic upheavel that resulted in demand for more government.

Ideological purity is a recipe for failure at the ballot box. Even those Presidents who spearheaded major change, and there were only two, FDR and Reagan, were also pragmatists able to compromise.The Reagan Revolution shifted the middle in the Republican Party, but its actual only big change was introducing the concept of supply side ecconomics, which ultimately watered down the concept of smaller government, a supposed Reagan and Republican Party priority, by arguing cutting taxes was more important than reducing spending.

Ron Paul won the MSNBC post debate poll. I know it is a completely worthless poll, but it really shows how strong Ron's support base is. These guys and gals will always make sure the Doc makes it in the top 3 of a high vis poll, and in this case - even after a mediocre debate - he is leading by nearly 28,000 votes.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
Ron Pauls support base is awesome, if all that is required is to click a mouse.

Boots to the ground, not so much.
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
He has wildly successful "Money Bombs" and event turnouts. Not sure, what you mean?
what do you mean, what do i mean?

in 2008 there was a 6 month long buildup online regarding a monster rally in Washington DC.

Youtube was going crazytown..hundereds of thousands of hits were recorded on anything Ron Paul related.

The Buzz was strong...the people were risen up and taking action.

hell even i got so touched by a particular rally the (ron paul) troops video and made this nugget.

...and then..a paltry 12 thousand or so bothered to show up.

what do you mean, what do i mean?

in 2008 there was a 6 month long buildup online regarding a monster rally in Washington DC.

Youtube was going crazytown..hundereds of thousands of hits were recorded on anything Ron Paul related.

The Buzz was strong...the people were risen up and taking action.

hell even i got so touched by a particular rally the (ron paul) troops video and made this nugget.

...and then..a paltry 12 thousand or so bothered to show up.
Yeah...sounds horrible

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
I just want to say what a colossal joke Ann Coulter is. She endorsed Ron Paul last year and this year she has been slamming him. Proof she is just a publicity whore and anything she says is just for shock value.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
I just want to say what a colossal joke Ann Coulter is. She endorsed Ron Paul last year and this year she has been slamming him. Proof she is just a publicity whore and anything she says is just for shock value.

Yeah, at this point I'm pretty sure she's more or less playing a character. It'd be kind of fascinating to find out how much of what she says she believes, but we'll never know.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
...and the gloves are off...

Brilliant Ad by the Ron Paul folks

The Rick Perry characterization as Texas Cheerleader was an especially good zinger that will resonate.

Interesting. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they went with a Reagan theme; after that little spat in the debate where Perry accused him of talking bad about the guy I'm sure they decided they had to deal with that accusation ASAP.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
Not sure which is more damaging for Perry..to be associated with Favourite Whipping boy Gore..or for it to be known far and wide that in Football mad Texas he was...ahem...a cheerleader.

also, Yodes, i could be wrong, but i believe the ad pre-dates the Perry Jab at the debate about the letter.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Rained here a little last night. I guess God thinks Rick Perry is Governor of California.

Started up again.

Interesting. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they went with a Reagan theme; after that little spat in the debate where Perry accused him of talking bad about the guy I'm sure they decided they had to deal with that accusation ASAP.
The timeline was this ad, followed by a rebuttal from Perry's team in which they posted Ron Paul's letter of party resignation to Reagan on Perry's official site, and then the exchange at the debate.

Speaking of that letter, it totally just shows how consistent Ron Paul has been on these issues.