The Simpsons Movie


I've got high hopes for this movie. The Simpsons was always about humour flowing out of the plot
Therein lies the difference between a classic like The Simpsons, and a short-term comedy like Family Guy (which generally has little to no replay value).

Can't wait for the movie. Just can't wait. It's been awhile since I went into the theater knowing I was going to laugh hysterically.

I think it might be fun to watch, but not something so anxiously awaited for. With so many other films out there really worth seeing, The Simpsons should just (to me I guess) simply stay on television. No offense, but If I ever paid to see films theatrically, this is not one I'd spend my money on.

i cant wait for the simpsons movie i think it a great sereis and im looking forward to more episods
its hard to find someting when you dont know what your looking for-plan 9 from outer space

I love The Simpsons as much as the next man but i hope the movie doesn't mean an end to the series, If i was totally honest i'd rather see more new episodes rather than a single hour a half feature.

It won't mean an end to the series. The Simpsons is scheduled to go on for at least 19 seasons, and it is currently in its 18th. Fox is unlikely to cancel the show that made them, so I think we'll see it stick around for a while.

That is unless the show gets really horrible. I don't think that's very likely, though, as the episodes currently airing are around 7/10 in terms of sitcom quality, in my opinion.

Hopefully some of the classic writers of the show sign back on after the movie. The Simpsons really evolved through their writing, and their comedic style being filtered through the characters. That's what's let the show down most of all...the writers just have a different comedic make-up to the writers of old. They'd be better off writing their own animated sitcom, while writers who know the style that made The Simpsons great remain writing for "America's Favourite Family".

Movie Forums Extra
it looks like a cool movie even though the shows arent as funny as they used to be

I'm a huge Simpsons fan but I think the movie will be a dissapointment. The show has gone way downhill the last couple of years, and from what I've seen from trailers and stuff it looks like the movie is not much better. Shame, really:/

I love The Simpsons as much as the next man but i hope the movie doesn't mean an end to the series, If i was totally honest i'd rather see more new episodes rather than a single hour a half feature.
I could not phrase it better