Movie a Day by the Bay


Inspired by Rhys Bell Ding, I am going to try and watch a movie every day for the year. I need to get back to watching movies and I have developed a bad habit of watching movies in pieces, so maybe structuring it like this will force me to get back to watching movies in one sitting.

We'll see how far I make it.

Starting tomorrow with YOU'LL JUST HAVE TO WAIT AND FIND OUT.

[1-01] Side by Side
[1-02] Slumdog Millionaire
[1-03] Eraserhead
[1-04] Primer
[1-05] Mary and Max
[1-06] The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)
[1-07] Sherlock, Jr.
[1-08] Aziz Ansari: Buried Alive
[1-09] Aziz Ansari: Dangerously Delicious
[1-10] Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979)
[1-11] Aziz Ansari: Intimate Moments for a Sensual Evening
[1-12] Guardians of the Galaxy
[1-13] The Silence
[1-14] Frankenstein (1931)
[1-15] The Bride of Frankenstein
[1-16] The Invisible Man (1933)
[1-17] The Mummy (1932)
[1-18] Halloween II (1981)
[1-19] Creature from the Black Lagoon
[1-20] Clerks
[1-21] Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
[1-22] Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
[1-23] Drag Me to Hell & Braindead
[1-24] The New York Ripper
[1-25] Cabin Fever
[1-26] The Burning
[1-27] The Blob (1958)
[1-28] Bad Taste & Suspiria
[1-29] The Blob (1988)
[1-30] White Zombie
[1-31] The Sacrament

[2-01] Birdman & The Burning
[2-02] Dark Star
[2-03] Red Eye
[2-04] Torso
[2-05] Possession (1981) & Cannibal Holocaust
[2-06] The Abominable Dr. Phibes, The Night Stalker & Alyce Kills
[2-07] The Stepfather (1987) & Vampyr
[2-08] Pontypool
[2-09] X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes
[2-10] All Cheerleaders Die
[2-11] The Man from Earth
[2-12] Blue Car & This Boy's Life
[2-13] Brokeback Mountain & Pierrot le Fou
[2-14] The Sweet Hereafter & A Perfect World
[2-15] Pontypool
[2-16] The Silence of the Lambs
[2-17] Ten
[2-18] Late Spring, M. Hulot's Holiday & Picnic at Hanging Rock
[2-19] Foreign Correspondent
[2-20] Rashomon & Naked
[2-21] Das Boot
[2-22] King of the Zombies
[2-23] Ran
[2-24] Children of Paradise
[2-25] Ali: Fear Eats the Soul
[2-26] La Strada
[2-27] Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans, Fantastic Voyage & High Noon
[2-28] Solaris (1972)

[3-01] Con Air & Deep Red
[3-02] The Match Factory Girl
[3-03] Vertigo & Raise the Red Lantern
[3-04] Safety Last!
[3-05] The People vs. George Lucas
[3-06] The Big Sleep
[3-07] The Fog (1980)
[3-08] Star Wars
[3-09] Under the Skin
[3-10] You're Next
[3-11] The Others
[3-12] Only Lovers Left Alive
[3-13] The Prowler & The Phantom of the Opera (1925)
[3-14] The Dark Knight
[3-15] Three Colors: Blue
Dead Snow
Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead
Classic Albums: Pink Floyd - The Making of The Dark Side of the Moon & Cabin Fever
Classic Albums: Queen - The Making of A Night at the Opera
Classic Albums: Metallica – Metallica
Pink Floyd: The Story of Wish You Were Here & Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii
Classic Albums: Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
This is Spinal Tap
Classic Albums: The Band - The Band
The Doors & Fargo
When You're Strange

After this, I missed a day. However, I decided to keep the thread going, posting write-ups for movies whenever I watch them.

20,000 Days on Earth
Inside Llewyn Davis
It Follows
Guardians of the Galaxy
All Cheerleaders Die
The Guest
Terror Train
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Team America: World Police
Don't Torture a Duckling
Christmas Evil
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Awesome endeavor. Good luck Swan. I would love to join you, but know it would be in vain.

Oh, and you still better be up for some Office commentaries every couple of weeks.
Absolutely I am.

My name's Bobby Peru, like the country.
I get into the habit of watching movies in parts as well. Though one thing i like about cable and commercial breaks, is that if two or three movies i like are on at the same time and have different commercial timing, then i can watch two or three movie simultaneously(doesn't always work out perfect).
"A flying saucer? You mean the kind from up there?"
"Yeah, either that or its counterpart"

Their assumption was that Jerry was already dead when I arrived, and I just nodded my head. What else could I tell them? "He had to do it, Officer, or else he would’ve turned into a worm-monster and been very unhappy."

By the way Swan, we need to do another commentary soon.
Guardians of the Galaxy!

Master of My Domain
Which bay will you be using to watch movies?

Anyways, good luck.

Which bay will you be using to watch movies?

Anyways, good luck.
Bay Federal Credit Union

Well, I wasn't trying to do this because Rhys is going to stop but now that you will, can I join you?
Hell yeah dude!

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Good luck on your movie-watching voyage Swan.

My count for 2014 was 417 movies. Which means I could do one of these kind of threads but because I write my reviews which can sometimes take a while it would end up a bit of a mess. And also I'd want to try and keep some of my scores secret so people couldn't work out what may appear in my new favourite films list that I'm hoping to maybe get done at some point this year. You know, because it will be a really big deal for everyone.

But yeah I'll definitely be keeping an eye on what you're up to Swan

Good luck Swan, I think this is a tough task. I've seen over 500 movies this year, but some days it just doesn't happen. Sure I could do it, but it would really wear me down.