

Chicks dig Lord of the Rings, Randal

Crossword puzzles or Sudoku?
"I know, honey. Look at the map. We go your way, that's about four inches. We go my way, it's an inch and a half. You wanna pay for the extra gas?"

And at the end of fear, oblivion
mm? 19? lol

Android or iphone?
~Mad enough. Do you see yourself? The seeds of your destruction were sown long ago, and now he will reap the harvest. He owns your mind; you've just been renting. You owe a debt and he will collect.~

Scrabble (my high school has a scrabble club and its AWESOME )
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

Is white trash beautiful
Im gonna be a dork and go with soft drink.

Pork chops or bacon ???