The Killer 2023 (David Fincher)


Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Guess who's back!

Fassbender is back!!!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Hell yes. We've been in need for more Fincher. And Fassbender has always struggled getting the kind of projects he deserves, so this will be a nice chance for him to shine.

Look forward to it, show it soon
a person who likes to watch movies

It's out on Netflix today. I just finished watching it. Michael Fassbender is excellent in this intelligent, well written character driven crime drama. One of the best films of the year.

Thanks for the heads up Allaby almost forgot about this one. Excellent late night neo-noirish Thriller. Fincher is as meticulous with directing as Fassbender's character is with killing.

"Stick to the plan. Trust no one. Forbid empathy. Execution is everything"



Gone Girl
The Social Network
The Game
Fight Club
Panic Room

*The Killer

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button


(Haven't seen Mank yet.)

Mild spoilers

Fincher uses genre to talk about hustle culture and how empty it actually is. The character's ideals/neurosis are contrasted against his fellow hit people throughout. The chief antagonist represents the apathy he can no longer maintain. What should be a happy ending, him admitting his humanity, is tragic to him. It's failure.

It's a stuffy yuppy husk movie and Fincher might be having a laugh not just in narration but with the score as well. This character doesn't even recognize music as something he enjoys. It is utility only and tied to his perspective in the sound design. It's not catharsis like Drive. It's not status like American Psycho. It's just drowning out his inner monologue, helping him stay hollow.

RIP 2002-2010

Fassbender is back!!!
Love him as an actor - very great performances in two under appreciated films: Fish Tank and Macbeth. He was also one of the better things about Prometheus too... even though the film, although very interesting and good, had a few minor issues, he was absolutely great in it. Yeah, he's one of those actors who's great to watch on screen.
"A candy colored clown!"
Member since Fall 2002
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RIP 2002-2010
i dont know why they put this movie in the cinemas when u can watch it on netflix? :/
I'm actually with Tom Cruise on this one... I think good films and non-Marvel loud obnoxious films need to be in theaters NOT only Netflix. I admire and respect what he did with Top Gun Maverick and the latest Mission Impossible film... you get so much more out of seeing a film on the big screen than on the small screen.

Watched it earlier tonight. I don't consider myself much of an authority on Fincher even though this was the eighth of his films I've seen. But they were all worth seeing.