Movies you enjoying seeing more the second time than the first time


We've gone on holiday by mistake
I know what you mean.

Yeah fight club is a good one.

Matrix, Inception, Dark Knight, The Prestige.

Generally movies with a lot of substance or a good twist at the end.

American Psycho
Tron: Legacy
Pan's Labyrinth
Mulholland Dr.
Sixth Sense
The Prestige

Come to mind...
Saully's Reviews
Latest Review: 300

Welcome to the human race...
Hmm, guess you have a point there.

Anyway, a partial list of my own examples (none of which feature a huge plot twist near the very end):

The Big Lebowski
Dazed and Confused
Blade Runner

If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission
For me, comedies are more likely to fall in this category. Most recently, Paul. Others that I recall enjoying more the 2nd time around are Anchorman, There's Something About Mary, and Beverly Hills Cop.
"If we choose, we can live in a world of comforting illusion."
- Christopher Nolan

Inception - I've seen it four times now and everytime I discover something new.
Fight Club
The Sixth Sense
What's Eating Gilbert Grape

What I could just think of.

If I like a film, I often like it more the second time around. However there are some films that stick in my mind as liking even more second/third/etc time around.

This Is Spinal Tap (Don't know how many times I've seen this now but it gets funnier each time)
JFK (didn't know how long it was the first time I saw it, so while I enjoyed it, I was looking at my watch thinking "How much longer can this film be?")

The next three are films that I loved the first time around and I couldn't wait to see them again, hence enjoying them more on the next viewing.
Hard Boiled
Pump Up The Volume
The Breakfast Club

It's possible that I liked Alien more on the second go around. I certainly liked it more on the third viewing, but it's still not a film I care for.

2001 is the prime example of this, for me. The first time I saw the film I didn't know what to think of it, and the second time I loved it.
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I think Sixth Sense is a fair point because if you didn't get the twist then you can watch it all again from a fresh perspective and understanding.

The Big Lebowski. I got it more. But think again, the first time I watched it I was 14.

I'm going against the grain on this one. There's tons of films that I enjoy watching more than once, but I cannot think of a single film that improved upon repeat viewing. I got to watch it fresh then it either goes down or levels off.

There's a couple of films that I watched when I was too young to understand them and then watched them years later, maybe those count. I watched Apocalypse Now and Army of Darkness (this one before the other Evil Dead films) when I was in middle school and I didn't get them, then I watched them in high school and I got it. Plus, those films are even better to me know years later. But that has only to do with my age and understanding of film.

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
Inception for sure, and I watched The Thin Red Line when I was much younger and just thought it was horrible, watched it really recently and loved the movie.

Sudoku Blackbelt
I've a lot like that.

Most recently, it's been True Grit (2010). All the performances (Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, Josh Brolin, and that youngster Hailee Steinfeld) are more textured and full every time I've watched it.

It's become one of my "Go To" movies. You know, when you want to watch something, but you can't decide, so you fall back on something you know you'll enjoy.

I don't know if there's a thread about a person's list of 'Go To' movies. If not, maybe someone could start one.
"A severed foot is the ultimate stocking stuffer" ~ Comedian Mitch Hedberg (1968-2005)