Best Alfred Hitchcock Film


Good God. That's like asking what's my favorite air to breathe.

North by Northwest is probably my favorite.

I think Shadow of a Doubt is the most underrated, though Stage Fright is close.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Good God. That's like asking what's my favorite air to breathe.
I prefer to breathe mountain or coastal air compared to city air.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
Rear Window was my favorite, there use to be a dollar theater around where I live and late at night they would show old Hitchcock films and I probably saw this one the most and loved it the most.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Rear Window is great, The Birds works to an extent, and Vertigo is a beautifully made film.

But I gotta go with Psycho.

"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."