Rodent Repeats... A Top 50 List

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You're almost done. Finish it.

Tomorrow, you can do it all over again.

Love Hateful Eight, it's actually top five Tarantino for me. The Lost Boys was a very important part of my childhood and i also liked The Martian; was surprised at how funny it is. Not seen The Abyss.

Haven't seen The Lost Boys, but I absolutely love the other three.

Man. The Hateful Eight is just so damn good.
A man's got to know his limitations.

So, you've decided to just be a troll.

Not everybody is here to make themselves laugh SC.
Well, then what are you here for? Human contact?

Haven't seen The Lost Boys, but I absolutely love the other three.

Man. The Hateful Eight is just so damn good.

Oh man, you gotta get a copy of Lost Boys.
It rewrote the Vampire rulebook and is responsible for the lore of every Vampire story since.

Well, then what are you here for? Human contact?
Talking on the internet about movies is something I enjoy doing. At least I don't need to make fun of other people on this site just to make myself feel better.

Welcome to the human race...
Don't you guys ever get bored talking about the same movies over and over again, everyday for years and years? What good does it do? Stop the insanity.
I'm inclined to agree with this. If all you're doing is reshuffling the order of the exact same movies as were on your last countdown (or the one before it) with maybe a couple of new entries (and not even saying anything new about them except a blanket statement that these are all "background noise" movies for you), then it does beg the question as to why the list even needs to be made. Are the differences between this list and your last one really so significant that a whole new thread needs to happen?

It does get to the question of why we do these Top # lists in the first place. They serve as personal statements about our cinematic preferences, so the big question becomes what you're saying with this new countdown that you didn't say in any of your other ones. With nothing new to say from either you or the people who comment on it, what's the point?

Well, at least the other members of this movie forum actually have favourites lists...

Rather than trolling my list, SC, go make your own.
If JayDee's list index is any indication, he's done at least three of them so far (though one of them seems to be a #101-#200 following on from one of the other lists so it's more like two). That being said, he still knows to space them out or not repeat them unless there's a big enough difference to justify it.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Talking on the internet about movies is something I enjoy doing. At least I don't need to make fun of other people on this site just to make myself feel better.
This isn't me making fun of anybody. I'm being serious.

Ignore him, Dexter... it's just SC being SC and harking for attention.
I've decided to make a list, and SC hasn't seen enough movies to be able to make one himself so he hacks on everyone else's.

See. I knew Iroquois and I were gonna start agreeing on things.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Ignore him, Dexter... it's just SC being SC and harking for attention.
I've decided to make a list, and SC hasn't seen enough movies to be able to make one himself so he hacks on everyone else's.
I feel the need to watch Terminator again and talk about it every day for the next year. Great fun movie.

Ignore him, Dexter... it's just SC being SC and harking for attention.
I've decided to make a list, and SC hasn't seen enough movies to be able to make one himself so he hacks on everyone else's.
No - I'm really here to enjoy your list. It's just... it makes me think of these questions.

I'm inclined to agree with this. If all you're doing is reshuffling the order of the exact same movies as were on your last countdown (or the one before it) with maybe a couple of new entries (and not even saying anything new about them except a blanket statement that these are all "background noise" movies for you), then it does beg the question as to why the list even needs to be made. Are the differences between this list and your last one really so significant that a whole new thread needs to happen?

It does get to the question of why we do these Top # lists in the first place. They serve as personal statements about our cinematic preferences, so the big question becomes what you're saying with this new countdown that you didn't say in any of your other ones. With nothing new to say from either you or the people who comment on it, what's the point?

If JayDee's list index is any indication, he's done at least three of them so far (though one of them seems to be a #101-#200 following on from one of the other lists so it's more like two). That being said, he still knows to space them out or not repeat them unless there's a big enough difference to justify it.

And another one.
If you don't like it, stay out... simple.
I don't go into any of your threads

Welcome to the human race...
I went eight years between making my Top 100 lists. It wasn't my intention to go that long (it was originally going to be five years), but the reason why I wanted to leave such a gap is that I wanted to reflect how much things had changed between lists - half the second list was made of new entries, after all.