Politically Correct IDIOTS (Steve Martin/Carrie Fisher tweet)


New York Magazine criticized Steve Martin's tweet, and US Weekly did too. I'd say that's not just a couple of ****it was funny what I had wrote here!*** giving a celebrity a bad time.
Interesting topic, what social causes do SJW fight for?
Again you beat me to the punch!

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
Uh....I dont want you as my Buttercup Sorry Max, thanks for the compliment, but Im straight.

Well come on Max! Youre a Canadian looking-in on the social turmoil which is the U.S., have "we" become a bunch of well intentioned, oversensitive, and easily misled bunch of Ninny's? Yes or No?
You called me Buttercup, first. Glad you cleared up that "straight" thing.

Last election results prove you do not have your ninnies strategically located throughout the land.

No, Americans are not ninnies. Historically speaking, they can come together in time of need, regardless of political influence.
"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

More like questioning why "white society" seems to be the flock to thing, when it is obviously so bad, so politically incorrect, so reprehensible, that it must be lectured at every petty opportunity? Maybe, us simple white folks could learn from a more accepting, tolerant, charitable, politically correct example of society? Please share one, especially if it is a non-white example.
Again with the "white"?! This is not a race issue! Black americans are stupid too, have you seen rap stars and what they spend their money on?! Theyre as hypersensitive as anyone, and react even stronger. Am I racist for saying that? Today, some would think so, but Im not. I have black friends, and when I say black I mean the not college educated variety. I actually like black folks because theyre less pretentious, more real. Just because there are differences between races doesnt mean one is better - period.

I think the All in the Family reference is spot-on. Just because Family Guy does outrageous things doesnt mean people wouldnt lose their minds if a sitcom had a actor talking about "colored folks". Today people would absolutely loose their minds.

I can't speak for Movie Max, but I think he's bringing up the 'white issue' as earlier in this thread some blamed white older males for the world's maladies....which is racist, sexist and ageist.

I can't speak for Movie Max, but I think he's bringing up the 'white issue' as earlier in this thread some blamed white older males for the worlds maladies, which is racist, sexist and ageist.
Hes trying to turn it into a race issue, and its not, its a social issue. Ignorance, sensitivity, and overreaction arent just exclusive to white people.

I can't speak for Tongo, but I bet anything that he used the word we in an attempt not to offend any one group. Call it a kind generalization.
Again... generalizations are bad, specifics are good.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
Heres my opinion, and its an uneducated one I believe we are coming into a generation weened on technology (smartphones & the internet). Informations so available its like a library at our fingertips. The flipside of that coin is sensitivity. Today people know more but can deal with less. The technology is so infatuating we dont have the life experience or thick skin to dealing with problems....or what we perceive as problems.
i guess i would argue that because we now have the technology to be so connected to everyone, moreso than usual, we are a lot more aware of things going on - and i think that also causes things to be blown waaay out of proportion sometimes. but i don't think it's that people in the "good old days" had thicker skin, per se, they just weren't exposed to all the stuff we are. you gotta remember that computers are still new af, and the internet is still just a baby. i don't think we're still quite sure of the effects it is having/will have on society, in general.

but i digress.

i would rather talk about the actual original stuff you said, i still don't feel like i'm explaining myself very well. i don't think Steve Martin's tweet was inappropriate, and i didn't find it offensive personally, though i think it's cool that he removed it because he didn't want to derail the loss of Carrie Fisher. but i still don't see what that really has to do with Archie Bunker, other than people who are PC don't like All in the Family. but it's like you're saying "PC culture" is so bad that everything that falls under being "PC culture" is ridiculous - and it isn't. i think you could say there are instances of extremists in every cultural and social movement there is, but that doesn't mean the entire thing is hogwash. i mean, there's a reason people don't like bigots and racial slurs. damn good reasons. and refraining from using that language, you could argue, would be contributing to "PC culture." but most people agree that using them is gross and inappropriate.

so, i guess that's mainly my problem with your whole stance. i'm not arguing that it doesn't get ridiculous sometimes, i'm arguing that just labeling the whole movement as ridiculous is, well, to use Yoda's term, dismissive.

..... but i still don't see what that really has to do with Archie Bunker, other than people who are PC don't like All in the Family.

but it's like you're saying "PC culture" is so bad that everything that falls under being "PC culture" is ridiculous - and it isn't. i think you could say there are instances of extremists in every cultural and social movement there is, but that doesn't mean the entire thing is hogwash. i mean, there's a reason people don't like bigots and racial slurs. damn good reasons. and refraining from using that language, you could argue, would be contributing to "PC culture." but most people agree that using them is gross and inappropriate.

so, i guess that's mainly my problem with your whole stance. i'm not arguing that it doesn't get ridiculous sometimes, i'm arguing that just labeling the whole movement as ridiculous is, well, to use Yoda's term, dismissive.
re: All in the Family and PC establishment frowning on it. You know for many, that might be the case. Maybe theyd come to a conclusion that the show is dated and not as "evolved" as where peoples thinking is today. Which isnt evolved thinking being displayed, but just evolved awareness. HUGE difference, and we.....yes Im not trying to alienate anyone or any group by saying "we", but that is a p.c. stance. Im not against a sane degree of political correctness, but lets not become pious either. I am not saying the p.c. culture in itself is bad, quite the opposite, but idiocy exists in it like everything. If something is to truly evolve it must do so by knowing we do not "know it all".

We've gone on holiday by mistake
For the past 20 years or so in the UK anyway, the worst thing you could possibly be was UNpolitically correct or Rascist.

Now being Politically correct or too left leaning is becoming the worst thing you can be, or labelling people as Rascist when what they have said simply isn't.

regarding the steve martin thing, was the backlash against his tweet even that strong?
I dont think so,i havent read the articles though so i dont know if they critizied him directly or just reported on the tweets and social media. Tweets and Social media were carrie stans who thought it was insesitive since she spent so much time after star wars to speak out against the "sex symbol" thing Princess Leah became insted of being valued as an actress.
Britney is my favorite

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
Well, they do indeed have more sex than other ethnicities.
You should probably throw the word "consensual" somewhere into that sentence.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
After reading most of the comments, I must say, I am really surprised that the author of this thread has a problem with Trump winning. That is the one contradiction I am picking up on, otherwise, it's a good thread. Thanks.

It's not a contradiction at all. Not liking political correctness isn't the same as thinking anyone--to say nothing of our leaders--should say whatever and never be criticized. Nor does disliking it automatically make it more important than the hundreds of other things that are actually in the job description.

After reading most of the comments, I must say, I am really surprised that the author of this thread has a problem with Trump winning. That is the one contradiction I am picking up on, otherwise, it's a good thread. Thanks.

It seems that there was a little misunderstanding going on last night.

From my experience, when people (myself included) speak of the good old days, they speak of the time before the internet and cell phones. Back then, you could gauge feeling while conversing, something that can be difficult when reading words. The way people interacted was just completely different, and a lot of people miss the more personal methods of communication. You need to be a certain age to have these feelings, but there are no restrictions on gender or race.

I'm nobody to say how good an example for this topic All in the Family is, but I do know that I've been hearing that it couldn't air today for over 20 years now. There are certainly a lot of people that agree with Tongo. The Family Guy is completely different, not because it is different, but because enough people perceive it to be different, and perception is all that matters in relation to this topic.

The problem I have with some of these people who get offended by things, is that they get offended at remarks that have nothing to do with them. It used to be "sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me", but that has somehow morphed into I'm offended because someone I don't know said something about someone else I don't know.

Im just gonna make this thread a depot for any future Idiotic Political Correctness. Please anyone feel free to do the same. We got to take a stand people!

Trump is President of the US and pretty soon the National Front will be in power in France and the rest of Europe is following suite. Political Correctness is having it's day, let them prattle on.

Trump is President of the US and pretty soon the National Front will be in power in France and the rest of Europe is following suite. Political Correctness is having it's day, let them prattle on.
Trump is not politically correct to the other extreme, and is proud of it. Hell he wont even stop Tweeting crap about people, and liberals abhor Trump. Im sure Trump wasnt offended by Steve Martins tweet in any way. He's still a dolt though.