Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice


What would suck is if Wonder Woman broke up the fight, but you know thats gonna happen. Aint no other DC superhero could stop Clark in his tracks like WW. Damn I wished they cast a more suitable actress for her though. Gal Gadots fine and all, but damn.

To all those that say its his normal heat vision and not fury, or corruption - why does Batman look like the Michelin Man? It instantly reminded me of TDKR suit he wore to fight Supes.
Um, isn't that what Snyder and crew have been pointing to as the inspiration for this film all along?

Yes, it's the suit. Yes, the bat symbol looks like the Frank Miller symbol. Yes, Batman will make Superman look like a chump.

Gandolf, maybe he's been corrupted by something, but I'm not ready to commit to that as the only possible reason for them to fight. Superman's eyes turn red every time he uses heat vision and sometimes when he gets mad. Maybe he's just really angry.

Um, isn't that what Snyder and crew have been pointing to as the inspiration for this film all along?

Yes, it's the suit. Yes, the bat symbol looks like the Frank Miller symbol. Yes, Batman will make Superman look like a chump.

Gandolf, maybe he's been corrupted by something, but I'm not ready to commit to that as the only possible reason for them to fight. Superman's eyes turn red every time he uses heat vision and sometimes when he gets mad. Maybe he's just really angry.
Why would he be mad at Batman? Why would Batman be prepared to fight him? The only thing that makes sense is if Supes has been corrupted, running amok, and Batmans drawing the line in the sand.

Could very well see that being the reason Diana Troy (WW) comes down from Olympus (or wherever shes from) because Supermans running roughshod.

And what the hell is Aquaman doing in all this?! What, is Aquaman gonna go to Gotham too to fight Clark? Aquaman in Gotham, now that sounds weird. Think that'd be more of a culture shock than what Crocodile Dundee had going to New York.

Why would he be mad at Batman? Why would Batman be prepared to fight him? The only thing that makes sense is if Supes has been corrupted, running amok, and Batmans drawing the line in the sand.

Could very well see that being the reason Diana Troy (WW) comes down from Olympus (or wherever shes from) because Supermans running roughshod.
I already said this, but wouldn't it be an obvious plot move for Bruce to want all Kryptonians off Earth after the events of the first film so he starts a one man crusade to rid the planet of Superman and any other Kryptonians. Maybe he starts the film teamed with Lex Luthor in this endeavor. It'd also be a great way for Snyder to retcon the ridiculous destruction of the first film by making Superman atone for the reckless way he behaved. Seems pretty damn obvious to me...

And what the hell is Aquaman doing in all this?! What, is Aquaman gonna go to Gotham too to fight Clark? Aquaman in Gotham, now that sounds weird. Think that'd be more of a culture shock than what Crocodile Dundee had going to New York.
Even more obvious is the fact that the Kryptonian machine at the end of Man of Steel was doing to the ocean what was being done to Metropolis, which is the perfect excuse to pull Aquaman into the story.

Did you even watch Man of Steel?

I already said this, but wouldn't it be an obvious plot move for Bruce to want all Kryptonians off Earth after the events of the first film so he starts a one man crusade to rid the planet of Superman and any other Kryptonians. Maybe he starts the film teamed with Lex Luthor in this endeavor. It'd also be a great way for Snyder to retcon the ridiculous destruction of the first film by making Superman atone for the reckless way he behaved. Seems pretty damn obvious to me...
You dont know crap about Batman to be talking so haughty. As if Batman would give a 2 cent damn about what happened in Man Of Steel. Like you say below Aquaman might be pissed about that, but thats too much of a greenpeace/hippie move for Batmans motivation. Batman takes care of Gotham - period. Thats his turf, and if Snyder is following alot from TDKR then thats how itll remain.

Snyder isnt "retconing" a dayum thing. Retconing might be a staple in comic books, but for a director to do that from a work he'd done previously would be giving himself a black eye in the movie industry. Image is everything in the movie industry

Even more obvious is the fact that the Kryptonian machine at the end of Man of Steel was doing to the ocean what was being done to Metropolis, which is the perfect excuse to pull Aquaman into the story.

Did you even watch Man of Steel?
Yes I did, and it was overrated and subpar. Action scenes were good though.

You dont know crap about Batman to be talking so haughty. As if Batman would give a 2 cent damn about what happened in Man Of Steel. Like you say below Aquaman might be pissed about that, but thats too much of a greenpeace/hippie move for Batmans motivation. Batman takes care of Gotham - period. Thats his turf, and if Snyder is following alot from TDKR then thats how itll remain.

Snyder isnt "retconing" a dayum thing. Retconing might be a staple in comic books, but for a director to do that from a work he'd done previously would be giving himself a black eye in the movie industry. Image is everything in the movie industry

Yes I did, and it was overrated and subpar. Action scenes were good though.
I guess reading comics since 1989 isn't street cred enough for you? You want to dig through my long boxes and tell me what I know about Batman?

How exactly is destruction on a global scale not Batman's problem? Pretty sure that's everyone's problem, even Batman's.

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.

It was just announced that unless you were able to make it to the Warner Bros. panel at San Diego Comic-Con over the weekend, Warner Brothers has absolutely NO plans to release the early footage of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice to the general public.

Speaking with Variety, Warner Bros. exec Sue Kroll explained that the sneak peak for Batman v Superman was solely meant for fans at Comic-Con.


Source: IGN
I'm very glad I watched it.
“By definition, you have to live until you die. Better to make that life as complete and enjoyable an experience as possible, in case death is shite, which I suspect it will be.”

I guess reading comics since 1989 isn't street cred enough for you? You want to dig through my long boxes and tell me what I know about Batman?

How exactly is destruction on a global scale not Batman's problem? Pretty sure that's everyone's problem, even Batman's.
Yeah I started collecting comics in the early 80's, but that doesnt matter. If Batmans going after Superman to "save the world" then why is it Superman looks so pissed or corrupted? That doesnt add up.

Its all just speculation anyway.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
If Superman isn't corrupted in some way then I will **** into a bowl and eat it, then post the video on this forum.

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
If Superman isn't corrupted in some way then I will **** into a bowl and eat it, then post the video on this forum.
Remember what you wrote on this day.

You sure that is official? Looks like it was pieced together with Watchman and Man of Steel footage. Not to mention the guy in the Batman outfit does not look like Affleck.

Plus I can't find the story on any other website of the official trailer release.

Hunh! Well I just found it and posted it. It probably is fan made since theyre so fervent the trailer isnt released. Sorry!

I wouldn't be surprised if that is the official trailer and Zack Snyder is just reusing a bunch of old clips from other movies.

All reports were that it wasn't footage from the film. People said it wasn't animatronic, but something in that vein.

I meant, I wouldn't be surprised if Snyder was reusing a bunch of old clips for the actual movie.

Yeah I started collecting comics in the early 80's, but that doesnt matter. If Batmans going after Superman to "save the world" then why is it Superman looks so pissed or corrupted? That doesnt add up.

Its all just speculation anyway.
He's probably mad because Batman mixed Superman's colors with his whites. No one likes pink socks.

Yeah I started collecting comics in the early 80's, but that doesnt matter. If Batmans going after Superman to "save the world" then why is it Superman looks so pissed or corrupted? That doesnt add up.

Its all just speculation anyway.
I can think of at least 2 legit reasons Superman looks like that. 1) He's about to laser-eye the crap out of Batman. 2) Because it looks cool and we've already established that Snyder just makes decisions because they look cool.