I Just Saw a Truly Great Film, I Think I'll Post it Here Thread


Manhattan (1979)

Damn, this was amazing. I need more Woody Allen in my life, and I'll definitely be checking out some of his other stuff before submitting my '80s list.
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

manhattan (1979)

damn, this was amazing. I need more woody allen in my life, and i'll definitely be checking out some of his other stuff before submitting my '80s list.
I love you! Manhattan is in my personal top 3 Woody Allen films. Absolutely BRILLIANT in every aspect and very rewatchable.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

I love you! Manhattan is in my personal top 3 Woody Allen films. Absolutely BRILLIANT in every aspect and very rewatchable.
I also adore New York, so that certainly helped Some of the most beautiful black and white cinematography I've ever seen. I also watched Annie Hall the other night and thought it was almost as brilliant.

3 WOMEN was brilliant, one of Altman's most underrated films.

A WOMAN UNDER THE INFLUENCE was superb...Rowlands was amazing. Probably Cassavettes' best film.

Love, love, love, love, love, love THE KING OF COMEDY...my 2nd favorite Scorcese film and my favorite De Niro performance.

Personally, I found STARDUST MEMORIES to be one of Woody's weaker vehicles and probably his most narcissistic film to date.

Personally, I found STARDUST MEMORIES to be one of Woody's weaker vehicles and probably his most narcissistic film to date.
I think people need to understand the difference between Woody Allen, the man and Woody Allen, the film character. It's important to do that with almost every comedy actor or otherwise we could qualify them all as douchebags (certainly if they have a certain 'directness' in their style of comedy, like Woody sometimes has). I know that the character of Sandy Bates has a lot in common with Woody Allen himself, but that doesn't mean that they are exactly the same person. Even if Woody would have certain views on his fans or the critics in common with the character, I still think he has the right to out that in an honest and cynically comic way. That's what makes him a more interesting character/figure than others, in my opinion.

Purely content-wise and on an artistic level, I still believe Startust Memories is one of Woody's three strongest films (together with Manhattan and Crimes and Misdemeanors), but I already perceived that a lot of people don't share that opinion. The film still has its own strong fanbase though, I've noticed on the IMDB forums and some Woody Allen sites.