Teeter_Gs' Top 100 (Take 3)

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Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
32. The Twilight Saga

I'm reading all the way through the books again, just to see these movies and compare again.

31. Dredd

This is one of the best sci-fi movies to come out lately!

30. Flight

One of Denzels' best performances that I have seen.

29. The Avengers

I'm more of a DC fan but this movie is great! I really hope the Justice League is as good, if not better!

You are no Vader. You are just a child in a mask.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
29. The Avengers

I'm more of a DC fan but this movie is great! I really hope the Justice League is as good, if not better!

I'm more of a Marvel fan than a DC fan, and The Avengers is one of my favorite superhero movies. I love the interaction between the main characters, Loki is one of the best villains, and I think Agent Phil Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D. is awesome.

I think Dredd, The Avengers, and especially Flight are all awesome.

I can't knock the Twilight series because I haven't seen any of them. Maybe I would like them, but the only way I'd find out is if any of them were nominated in one of the tournaments.

Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
28. Captain Phillips

This movie keeps me on the edge of my seat every time.

27. Return of the Jedi

Easily my favorite Star Wars movie

26. Snatch

My favorite Guy Ritchie movie.

25. The Boondock Saints

I love everything about this movie.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
28. Captain Phillips

This movie keeps me on the edge of my seat every time.

27. Return of the Jedi

Easily my favorite Star Wars movie

I didn't love Captain Phillips as much as most people did, but it was a very good movie.

And a BIG + rep for Return of the Jedi.

I love Snatch, The Boondock Saints, and Return of the Jedi.

I thought Captain Phillips was excellent, and I thoroughly enjoyed it, yet I found it forgettable.

Lone Survivor is completely awesome. One Of the best movie of the decade so far nice choice !
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Act of Valor has been trashed by just about everyone who has ever watched it. Lone Survivor was surprisingly awesome tbh.