The MoFo Personal Pictures Thread


Keep on Rockin in the Free World
so this bear cub limps into the Saloon in the old west , 6 gun holster strapped round his waist, spits out some tobacco juice and says in a southern drawl.."I'm lookin for the man that shot ma pa "

the above is no relation to the gay bear that laid his paw on the table btw.
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

are we allowed to make requests? i'd like to see an update of 7thson's kids.


My son Josh and his girlfriend Ashton - Lion and a sheep (or is it lamb?) hahahah - btw His mane is his real hair, color and all.

My grandaughter Ivory, she is almost gettign close to two. I went shopping with her the other day on my lunch break.

My grandaughter Allison, she is 4. This is the makeup we put on her for a party that was not aproved by the other side of the family. Oh well we all liked it.

Here is Ally and I in the back yard, man I need to rake and blow some of those leaves off the porch .

A few Pics of my daughter Kari. These are not that far apart, definitely with a year or so. She changes hairstyles like all the time. She went short this time, going to have to wait to change much now other than color.

Penny, my girlfriend out by the pool.

Enough for tonight, will bore you guys with some more of the rest of the family in the next few days.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

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Here's me trolling at last year's graduation ceremony...

"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

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That's just the place where the ceremony was held. I don't go there.

L wins again.

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Wow... that's embarrassing... for me. Seriously, dude. Don't spread that around. I'm never going to live that down!!!! Damn you, internet!!!!

I'll get you yet, Pig!!!!

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Justice will prevail no matter what.