Scream 7


Meh... 5 and 6 were dull at best.
Blank expressionless faces delivering wooden dialogue, and scraping the barrel trying desperately to keep the franchise alive.

There's a difference between knowingly-cheesy and self-referential Meta, and just being badly executed.
And these sequels are badly executed.

The series was on its way out a while back with 3 and 4... I mean, the killer/s were initially unstable characters with connections to Billy and Stu... but 3 and 4 decided to throw out that Sydney's family were apparently also a bunch of psychopaths.
I liked the idea behind the secret child in 5... but it's too little too late, especially when 3 already went that route anyway... and like I said, badly executed too.
As for the characters...
Ortega was the best thing about the reboots, but her character is one I don't really care about when placed next to the OG cast... and then the double edged sword being that the OG cast were given little to nothing to work with, and killing off Dewey in 5 after glaring errors in character writing, making for an uninteresting couple movies.

Sydney returning for 7 though... does it peak my interest?
Not really, especially after it seems that the new characters that have been set up, trying desperately for us to care about them, will no longer be part of the series.
Scream 7 just sounds like grabbing at straws now in desperation.

Kinda like Star Wars, I'll stick with 1-6.
Jurassic... I'll stick with 1-3.
Terminator, I'll stick with 1-2.

Scream, I'll stop at 1-4.

Kevin Williamson directing? humm he last directed Teaching Mrs Tingle...

As much as I like the character, Scream 5 and 6 showed you don't need Sidney for a decent Scream film. I liked her off safe with her new life and family.

Not so excited for this one. Will see.