Who shall Badger with me?


Thank you for the kind welcome Sir Pigsnie. This thread has provided me with many hours of entertainment and countless gasps of exhultation! I shall use your parliamentary act as a model as I too am faced with the responsibility of a charge (actually 2, but only one would require such action). Perhaps we could arrange swimming lessons in the body of water (ahem) you mentioned for the two offenders in our charges? Let me know your thought on this at your convenience.
[Edited by Toose on 08-12-2001]

HEY Im not here to be insulted, LOLLL!!!! personally I think Im charming, hahaha!

Good news though! Pigsnie cussed out stupid headmaster and now hes takin me out of Eton! Yiiipeeeee!!! no more stupid blazers, no more boarding school, no more lookin like a dork! I am going to American school in London!! And I can stay home durin the school week & post on movieforums all day, hahaha! and I can meet real american girls, man I hope some are like Sky OMalley, bwahahahaha!!!!!
God save Freddie Mercury!

PLite, untwist thy undergarments! I was merely suggesting fear therapy...

Congrats on the schooling issue, environment is everything and I'm sure that we will all benefit from your posts!

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Shouldn't you be American if your going to go the American school?
Horror's Not Dead
Latest Movie Review(s): Too lazy to keep this up to date. New reviews every week.

WHAAAT ?!! Hwat about my pantys? They look ok, Lolll!

Anyone can go to american school, even koala bears. but Pigsnie says it has an american curriculum so I guess that means I will be learnin how to shoot Uzis & be a drum major, hahaha!!

LOLL, Og, yeah, lets go NRA wot?!! But seriously, Ogly,are there lots of fun loose women where you are? haha Here the private school girls are snooty & wear stupid hats when they go to parties. I would like to meet someone with a tatoo & an earing in her eyebrows.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
hahaha. Theres a great variety of women here, take your pic. Yea when I was in merry ole England a month or so ago, the women there did seem kinda stuck up. Then when they recognized an American accent, they went crazy.

Yes, Toose-man, this thread is quite the narrative, isn't it? I used to post a great deal, but work commitments have pretty much cut down on my internet silly time. As for PLite, I know his starts can be maddening, but I am fond of the little heathen, just the same. (However, my patience was severely tested when, whilst I was at the loo, PLite boarded the wrong plane at Narita and almost made it to the fleshpots of Amsterdam. The plane had to turn back on the runway.)

OG, if you have any compassion for me, please do not tell PLite about loose American madames.
Pigsnie, Vicar of Fries!

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Haha, in that case I retract my previous statement. America is full of very ugly women. Very ugly I say! Also they are rather cranky. Some of them even yell!! How atrocious!!
[Edited by OG- on 08-13-2001]

WELL! I NEVAH !!! [to kwote Thmilin} Snitchin like that! and it wasnt that bad, the plane had only gone down the runway maybe 100 feet, hahaha.

Well if you are not gonna tell me about american loozies OG, maybe TWT will know, Loll. Isnt he about 17? practically an old fogey like Pigsnie.

Teenage girls in America, it seems, ALL wear short denmin shorts and tanktops in the summer. That's all they wear. It's really ridiculous -- It's amazing to see them wearing anything else. I swear, the collective size of this country's breasts is surely growing.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Is there a problem with that Chris??

Off topic but it pissed me off so I'm gonna write about it. I went to go see American Pie 2 with my friend Grant today, but we got side tracked when we went out to go buy some DVD's. I was on a mission to find Ghost Dog. We'll we had some time to waste before the showing so we went to Borders. They said they would be able to ship it in 1-6 weeks. We head over to Suncoast, after a while of searching I can't find it so I asked an employee. She says "oh Ghost Dog thats such an irregular movie your the first person to ask for it" etc etc. She finds it, and is all nice about, saying that shes impressed I've seen the movie and actually liked it and such, and then I went to go buy it, and she wouldn't sell it to me. She asked if I was 17, being the honest person I am, I said no. And she just said "We'll then you won't be buying this", and snatched it out of my hands. What a bitch. If I took the time to drive all over town to by a movie like Ghost Dog, why shouldn't they sell it to me?? Sure its rated R, but it shouldn't be. Even still, shouldn't there be some sort of kinship between movie goers. Shouldn't she of realized that I was mature enough to handle this movie. It's not like I randomly picked up the movie, I asked for it by name. She didn't apologize or anything, she just snatched it out of my hands. Bitch. I was pissed. Normally I go to a different Sun Coast, where they treat me with respect, and will sell me what I ask for. I'm never going back to that one. Am I wrong in thinking this?? Maybe it's just me here, but I was mad.

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Well all I am back... sorry about the lack of posts lately. I have been working insane hours at work the past month or so and haven't even had time to update my website. I am back at school now so that should all change, I'll have all the free time in the world, LOL.

About your post OG... I don't think you can really fault the clerk, she was just doing her job (I will avoid the obvious Clerks/nazi reference here). I think the real problem lies in the horrendous rating system of the MPAA or whoever the hell rates films. Ebert has actually written several excellent colums on the need for a revised rating scale. It's sad when wonderful movies such as Ghost Dog and American Beauty fall into the same rating category as American Pie and Tomcats. There needs to be a seperation of gratuitus (sp) swearing, nudity, violence, etc and thoughtful adult content... for now though there is nothing we can do and I would suggest picking up great flicks wherever you are allowed to.

Speaking of Ebert, has anyone noticed how positive a lot of his reviews have been lately? I have a theory (close your eyes PLite). I think that fat bastard finally got laid! That's the only explanation I can come up with for giving Original Sin, Dr Doolittle 2, and some other titles that escape me three stars! Just a theory though... could be entirely off base

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
I know she was just doing her job. The thing that really pissed me off was that she didn't apologize, she just snatched the movie out of my hands. It angered me!

You mean the way Pigsnie snatches my 8th sandwich right out of my hands before I eat it??? What a Bitch, OG!!!

PS. Perhaps you might also look like a mouseketeer!

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
haha, Nah I don't look young, I look my age if not old. Depends if I shave or not. The funny thing is that if I had just lied and said I was 17, then it all could of been avoided. It tis a cruel, cruel world after all.

PS. I know what you mean by ebert, miteymose. Pigsnie said much of his critical facilities died with siskel. howevers, there might be somethin to your getting laid thoery. I know I would be absolutely brill if I were gettin laid.

Registered User
I always got my nose in a book--not exactly a babe magnet like PLite and Sunfrog. LOL.

There's nothing like a FAT book, a rainy night, a caramel Frappucinno, my 80-year old dog and my eighty-year old reupholstered recliner that I got from the city dump.
Blonde Klingons: Because it was a good day to dye!