Rate The Ghostbusters Films


I saw the reboot just recently and it wasn't nearly as bad as expected but also not good. Jokes fell flat and not once did I ever laugh, the ghosts and visual effects all looked cartoony and the stereotypes for both genders were insulting and embarrassing. Not to mention what a ridiculously underdeveloped villain Rowan is to the point he was barely a character. It's not without merit as I liked the characters of Gilbert and Holtzmann, and liked the new tools, but all in all a massive missed opportunity to revive the series. Had great potential but was severely bogged down by the poor writing, flat humor and terrible stereotypes.

5/10 is about a right rating and even that's being generous.

I'm curious about the new film coming out next Summer. It ignores the 2016 film and will be a direct follow-up to the first two. Details have been scarce so far, but I'm definitely intrigued. Will be interesting to see where it ranks among the series. It has to be an improvement over the 2016 movie, at the very least.

With the recent release of Afterlife, thought I'd slightly update my ratings.

1 and 2 - Both a 10/10. Childhood nostalgia. Love both equally and both are special films for me. The second isn't without flaws, but I can never muster negative feelings for it. Both still so enjoyable.

2016 Remake - 5/10. Don't despise it like some do, but I'm so indifferent to it. Not bad or terrible, just forgettable and feeling like it had a lot of wasted potential.

Afterlife - 8/10. Too deriative of the first at times, but still entertaining. Rating is closer to a 7, but the emotional ending bumps it up a point.

I love the series for the most part and after Afterlife, wouldn't mind another installment or two.

With the recent release of Afterlife, thought I'd slightly update my ratings.

1 and 2 - Both a 10/10. Childhood nostalgia. Love both equally and both are special films for me. The second isn't without flaws, but I can never muster negative feelings for it. Both still so enjoyable.

2016 Remake - 5/10. Don't despise it like some do, but I'm so indifferent to it. Not bad or terrible, just forgettable and feeling like it had a lot of wasted potential.

Afterlife - 8/10. Too deriative of the first at times, but still entertaining. Rating is closer to a 7, but the emotional ending bumps it up a point.

I love the series for the most part and after Afterlife, wouldn't mind another installment or two.
ofcourse 1,2 is always the best.
i havent seen afterlife and the 2016 version yet =/

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Ghostbusters II

I've seen one episode of the cartoon. It was decent. Lorenzo Music gives a fun performance as always even if it feels odd hearing Peter sound like Garfield.

ofcourse 1,2 is always the best.
i havent seen afterlife and the 2016 version yet =/

You're not missing much by not seeing the 2016 film, but Afterlife was pretty good. A little too much like the first movie, but for a sequel this many years later, not bad.

The order is easy - simply the order in which they came out.

The new one (Afterlife) is dreadful. Clumsy 'stranger thingss' wannabee, the tone is completely wrong, the characters are entirely forgettable and its completely lacking in humour. In fact the only laugh i got out of it was the Sigorney Weaver cameo in the credits. The less said about the cringeworthy ending the better.

Hands down the most disappointing movie of 2021.

The reboot from 4-5 years ago wasn't a great movie. Wasn't good, but wasn't completel as terrible as some of the haters would make it seem. Even though it wasn't particularly good, I would gladly sit through thar 100 times over before ever having to sit through Afterlife ever again.

The new one (Afterlife) is dreadful. Clumsy 'stranger thingss' wannabee, the tone is completely wrong, the characters are entirely forgettable and its completely lacking in humour. In fact the only laugh i got out of it was the Sigorney Weaver cameo in the credits. The less said about the cringeworthy ending the better.

I actually feel the ending was one of it's stronger aspects. I think it did a lot to elevate the film as a whole. I still enjoyed it but it felt very "been there, done that" with the constant fan service and nostalgic callbacks. I think it was a good film, but not great like the 80s duo.

Victim of The Night
I've spent the past 25 years or so assuming I'd seen GBII, but now I'm pretty sure that I never got around to it.
No kidding? I think it's how I learned about disappointment.

Ghostbusters is a 10. It's a near-perfect movie.

The rest have no reason to exit.

Victim of The Night
I saw the reboot just recently and it wasn't nearly as bad as expected but also not good. Jokes fell flat and not once did I ever laugh, the ghosts and visual effects all looked cartoony and the stereotypes for both genders were insulting and embarrassing. Not to mention what a ridiculously underdeveloped villain Rowan is to the point he was barely a character. It's not without merit as I liked the characters of Gilbert and Holtzmann, and liked the new tools, but all in all a massive missed opportunity to revive the series. Had great potential but was severely bogged down by the poor writing, flat humor and terrible stereotypes.

5/10 is about a right rating and even that's being generous.
I laughed some and thought the film was much less a victim of its cast or the writing even but more just the bloated nature of blockbuster filmmaking in the late 2010s (and persisting).
I feel like if that same cast had gotten to make the movie coming from the place the original was coming from, it might have been something, but the studio wanted a smash and it's got studio germs all over it, permeating every nook and cranny where there might have been creativity.

Edit - Also, your Mumm-Ra, The Ever-Living avatar is aces.

Ghostbusters (1984), A+
Ghostbusters 2, C-
Ghostbusters (2016), C-
Ghostbusters: Afterlife, B+

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

My ranking (#2 & #3 are pretty close, and I only despise #4):

1) Ghostbusters
2) Ghostbusters: Answer the Call
3) Ghostbusters 2
4) Ghostbusters: Afterlife (apparently this is a minority opinion)

The order is easy - simply the order in which they came out.

The new one (Afterlife) is dreadful. Clumsy 'stranger thingss' wannabee, the tone is completely wrong, the characters are entirely forgettable and its completely lacking in humour. In fact the only laugh i got out of it was the Sigorney Weaver cameo in the credits. The less said about the cringeworthy ending the better.

Hands down the most disappointing movie of 2021.

The reboot from 4-5 years ago wasn't a great movie. Wasn't good, but wasn't completel as terrible as some of the haters would make it seem. Even though it wasn't particularly good, I would gladly sit through thar 100 times over before ever having to sit through Afterlife ever again.

Nice to see I'm not alone here in hating Afterlife. Our reasoning might not be the exact same (but when is it really?) but cheers.