Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Mission Impossible 3 (2006)

Much better than MI2, I see this and the first one on the same level imo. I do think the acting in this is much better than 1 or 2 though. Philip Seymour Hoffman is great as the villain as well. And of course the introduction to Benji (Simon Pegg) doesn't hurt this movie either.

A walk among the tombstones

Bit of a slow burning detective crime drama.
Most of the action is in the first few minutes and the last few minutes.

I enjoyed it.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

When a documentary has exclusivity like this it kind of pains me to give it a fairly low rating. I try to do my ratings based on enjoyment though, and I just didn't enjoy this all that much. These are a couple of interesting characters. I am always amazed that people actually live like this, pretty astounding. Unfortunately, I didn't really get anything out of my viewing that I wouldn't have gotten from the articles they show at the beginning of the film.

The Cobbler (2014) - Tom McCarthy

- Maybe weird but I really enjoy that flick... Adam Sandler is good in it and the storyline is very enjoyable. A good little entertaining flick and I appreciate watching it. Nice Job.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

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Au Hasard Balthazar - 5/10

I love Bresson's other films, "Pickpocket" and "A Man Escaped" but this was disappointing. It felt empty. You would see the end result of a situation, but nothing leading to it, no means to the end. Not a good script.. Oh well..

Falling Down (1993)

This was my kind of movie! Very fun watching D-Fens' rampage throughout LA unfold. It's funny, thrilling, dramatic and pulled off very well. At first you think it's just a mindless and violent episode but you soon find out that it's something much more emotional and empathetic. I don't consider myself a massive Michael Douglass fan but he plays an awesome character in this one. Great film!

Terminator: Genisys (2015)

Actually not nearly as bad as the reputation around release... Yes, the plot is convoluted and pretty messy, but it's fun and playful while creating a 5th entry in the series that feels as fresh and reinforced as it can at this point. Basically there was nothing to tell after the first film, but the sequel did anyways and succeeded, while also setting up the possible for more movies to do the same... and they did, but failed. This one is still a failed attempt at keeping this franchise alive, but as a movie just for fun and as an official sequel (/remake) in the series, I'm fine with accepting this one. I had fun with it and I think it kind of succeeded in the same way Jurassic World did, by making a sequel and a remake inside the same film. The first half was the best though and it began to get lost in typical blockbuster nonsense towards the end, but whatever. Mostly this film surprised me and I liked it.

Terminator: Genisys (2015)

Actually not nearly as bad as the reputation around release... Yes, the plot is convoluted and pretty messy, but it's fun and playful while creating a 5th entry in the series that feels as fresh and reinforced as it can at this point. Basically there was nothing to tell after the first film, but the sequel did anyways and succeeded, while also setting up the possible for more movies to do the same... and they did, but failed. This one is still a failed attempt at keeping this franchise alive, but as a movie just for fun and as an official sequel (/remake) in the series, I'm fine with accepting this one. I had fun with it and I think it kind of succeeded in the same way Jurassic World did, by making a sequel and a remake inside the same film. The first half was the best though and it began to get lost in typical blockbuster nonsense towards the end, but whatever. Mostly this film surprised me and I liked it.

I actually did not think this was as terrible as many people were making it out to be. I gave it a 4/10. Didn't like it, but it's far from being the worst movie of 2015.

I actually did not think this was as terrible as many people were making it out to be. I gave it a 4/10. Didn't like it, but it's far from being the worst movie of 2015.
Yeah, I enjoyed it a lot more than I ever imagined, but as long as you are not downright sh*tting on it, you are not one of those I talk about. I think it's unnecessary to slam it with a 1/10 or something, though it totally depends on what you expect and what you look for... I look for it to not suck, and didn't, and it gave me more than just "not sucking" as well.

Great tense drama about pirates hijacking a ship, and the company CEO's battle to save money whilst bargaining for the crew's lives. The Danish Captain Phillips.

This surprised me. It started off as a Conjuring style haunted house film with some great jump scares, and then added a gorefest in at the end for good measure.

Great tense drama about pirates hijacking a ship, and the company CEO's battle to save money whilst bargaining for the crew's lives. The Danish Captain Phillips.
I want to see this just cause Hildur Gudnadottir did the score.

Finished here. It's been fun.

My Dinner with Andre

A relatively entertaining, occasionally thought-provoking film, but truthfully it is a bit of a disappointment. Many of the films conversations are uninteresting and sort of banal. It's certainly worth a watch - but it didn't live up to my expectations.

Scarface -


This pretty much sums up my feeling towards this film. Simmons and Teller were great, but I wasn't very engaged. Why should I care about this Andrew kid? He didn't have any redeeming qualities and managed to be a complete hole to the girl that was out of his league to begin with.

I couldn't quite figure Fletcher out either. Out of all the people in the band, the drummers are the only ones that messed up, or were that far below the skill of the rest of the players? I can appreciate the intensity goes to 11, but why?

Then we get to the final act. Loved it. It was one of the most satisfying scenes in recent memory. Fletcher trying to bury Andrew and Andrew (after a mild delay) turning it right back around on him.

I get that every movie is not made so you like the people in it. I just ended up rooting for both of them to get the short end.

Melancholia, Lars Von Trier.
Pretty powerful stuff. I especially loved how big the difference between the two acts is. In the first one we are intoduced to Justine (Kirsten Dunst ) and we learn to pity her and feel sorry for her. In the second act, though, her presence gets bigger and bigger and swallows the life of people around her, with no escape. And uselessly, too. She thinks she is right but she is not (it's 19 holes, not 18!), and it's too late to convince her. The beautiful, and too short, shot in which she lays down naked under the night sky with Melancholia rapidly approaching is perfect. She likes it, it's her only source of satisfaction. Justine is a movie villain if there ever was one.
Sure it's a slow movie, but it's definitely a good kind of slow and I wouldn't have wanted it any shorter.

Scary Movie, Keenen Ivory Wayans.
I had to, since I just finished watching the Screams, and I won't lie: some parts are pretty funny. Sure, some jokes are super lame and cheesy, but as opposed to most of the later *Random word* Movie, it still seemed like the people involved into it cared and wanted to make something enjoyable.
Cinema Italiano.