The "It" remake


And risk everyone attacking me with asthma inhalers? No thanks

Seriously, no, as funny as it sounds, even I'd feel a little uncomfortable if I saw somebody dressed up on my way in
LOL. I'd probably freak out.
The youtube clown videos are hilarious, but only because they're so terrifying

You can't win an argument just by being right!
The youtube clown videos are hilarious, but only because they're so terrifying
OMG those guys will pick the wrong person one day and get axe murdered.

i saw one with a different clown getting chased by an old fella with a baseball bat or something
can i have one of those buttons?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
i saw one with a different clown getting chased by an old fella with a baseball bat or something
I think I saw that one. My sweet, gentle as a lamb pacifist within was screaming for him to catch him. I was shocked at myself.

I just saw the preview for it in the movie theater. I really want to see it, it looks good. Im into those kind of movies, even the cheesy ones.

So eagered for this, the encounter at Nebolt Street looks absolutely insane. Just how I imagined.

Im really looking forward to this one too

This is going to be the first event movie in a while.

Regardless of reviews or reactions, I'm there.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
I've read the book (those creatures in the old abandoned refrigerator? Terrifying) and saw the 1990 movie. I'm looking forward to this.

nothing more terrifying than tim curry's iteration of the clown, spine tingling

You can't win an argument just by being right!
3 new teasers. Nothing really new except the kids look like great actors

This movie looks exceptionally stinky from the trailer. I tend to think modern horror movies aren't very scary or well made when they resort to constant jump scares. I miss the more creepy, atmospheric horror movies from the 40s and 50s etc. I guess I was born in the wrong generation.
But let me assure you, I would rather have bacon stapled to my testicles whilst locked in a cage with a hungry dog than I would see this movie.
Movies? Do we need 'em? NO!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
How do you know it's constant jump scares? I've only seen 1 in all the trailers, but cool story about the bacon. Come near my dogs and you won't have any bacon left, and it won't be my dogs that slice it off.

I don't literally want that bacon scenario to happen, but it remains more appealing than watching this stinky movie

Unless they paid off a couple hundred people, all the early screeners say it is great.

The kids are perfect, humor is great and it's scary AF.

CAN'T WAIT for this Movie to be complete garbage!
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Patrick Bateman
Vice President
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Unless they paid off a couple hundred people, all the early screeners say it is great.
They probably didn't pay (although Sony has done that as well, so I wouldn't be surprised if WB also stoops that low for their oh-so precious 'IT' reboot that's bound to make a lot of $$$ anyway.) They just know how to pick the right people, trust me on this. All early screenings for; terrible, company produced, mainstream hollywood garbage, are always (for the most part) fairly or very positive. *COUGH*

Man of Steel
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Batman v Superman: Dawn of AIDS
Suicide Squad
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Just to name a few.