Popularity Meter • Do You Know Them?


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I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Yeah, I would have recognised Martina Navratilova, Billie Jean King and probably a good few other tennis players but while I've heard of Chris Evert I don't think I've ever known what she looks like.

The only two I did not recognize out of fifty were the Formula One driver and the soccer player. But as I watch neither sport, I am not surprised their faces were unknown to me. Hell, their names are unknown to me.

Again, I know I am good at this sort of thing, but I am shocked at some of the faces that went mostly unrecognized.
Perhaps this is an American point of view? I'd guess that Larry Bird and Chris Evert aren't household names / faces where I'm from. I've never heard of Paulette Goddard either.

I did get both the formula 1 driver and the Soccer player though, I thought they were fairly easy to be honest. They're only easy if you know them!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Perhaps this is an American point of view? I'd guess that Larry Bird and Chris Evert aren't household names / faces where I'm from. I've never heard of Paulette Goddard either.

I did get both the formula 1 driver and the Soccer player though, I thought they were fairly easy to be honest. They're only easy if you know them!
Chris Evert played tennis 40 years ago, it's not like she's a current leader of a country. She was popular way back then but who remembers a tennis player from four decades ago. I do know who Chris Evert is, I remember her from way back then but I couldn't put a name to her face even though she looked sorta familiar. I did guess Paulette Goddard correctly, she's one of my favorite actresses but that photo hardly looked like her.

What I'd like to know is, just what is mrblonde doing with all of this research? I asked and don't believe he ever disclosed that information. @mrblonde???