

Yup. I really want to see both films, but in this moment I could use more of a pick-me-up.

I think it also makes a big difference that one film is far, far more fitting for taking a family/kids.
Meh. I heard it was marketed as family friendly and it wasn't. Just what I heard though.
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

Also....my updated Nolan rankings.

12.) Following - Obviously first film. Not up to par of his movies with big budgets.
11.) Tenet - Only saw once in theaters. Need to revisit but his only misfire to me. Everything that worked in Inception didn't here. Where Inception was accessible Tenet wasn't. Plus the casting was off imo.
10.) TDKR - Think Heath dying screwed him. Had to shift. It's aging better for me. Knew too much going into the movie. Still weakest batman by a mile.
9.) Memento - Fantastic film. But lower than most on it. It's just feels like work to watch it. If you feel like working it's freaking awesome however.
8.) Dunkirk - Really liked it. Like all his movies aging well. Maybe would hit more if I were British. Still a unique war film.
7.) Insomnia - I liked this movie a lot more than most people who would rank his films. Pacino and Robin Williams were freaking awesome and I thought it was a beautifully shot movie. It needs more love imo.
6.) Oppenheimer - Stuck it in the middle. Had my noggin going about it even a day after. Will depend on second viewing if it moves up or down. But it will probably move. Unlike Tenet I really want to see this one again.
5.) Interstellar - I remember being a tad underwhelmed when I saw this. However I didn't see it in the theaters I don't think. It's one that has aged extremely well for me since my original viewing.
4.) Batman Begins - This movie is so damn cool to me. Not sure any superhero movie will top this origin story. I was so sucked in the first half of the film it doesn't even feel like a batman/superhero movie.
3.) Inception - Where Tenet didn't work Inception sang like Whitney Houston. What a theater experience.
2.) Dark Knight - The movie that really made Nolan. That Ledger performance was probably my favorite theater experience I've ever had. Everytime he was on screen I held my breathe. Plus that truck flip dropped my jaw.
1.) The Prestige - Wish I could have seen this in theaters. Only went back after the Dark Knight blew my pants off to watch this film. It's Nolan at his best imo. Messing with timelines. Psychological sh*t. Great performances. Excellent writing. Beautiful visuals. It's just him with his powers fully realized....imo

I have a strong inclination that Bond is next. Working with Universal now. Bond franchise needs a new Bond and director. It's obvious he loves Bond. I think he does a trilogy like Batman where he does 3 Bonds and in between each he uses it as leverage to do whatever he wants in between. Not that he can't but it will certainly aid his case if he brings Bond big bucks.

Registered User
Also....my updated Nolan rankings.

12.) Following - Obviously first film. Not up to par of his movies with big budgets.
11.) Tenet - Only saw once in theaters. Need to revisit but his only misfire to me. Everything that worked in Inception didn't here. Where Inception was accessible Tenet wasn't. Plus the casting was off imo.
10.) TDKR - Think Heath dying screwed him. Had to shift. It's aging better for me. Knew too much going into the movie. Still weakest batman by a mile.
9.) Memento - Fantastic film. But lower than most on it. It's just feels like work to watch it. If you feel like working it's freaking awesome however.
8.) Dunkirk - Really liked it. Like all his movies aging well. Maybe would hit more if I were British. Still a unique war film.
7.) Insomnia - I liked this movie a lot more than most people who would rank his films. Pacino and Robin Williams were freaking awesome and I thought it was a beautifully shot movie. It needs more love imo.
6.) Oppenheimer - Stuck it in the middle. Had my noggin going about it even a day after. Will depend on second viewing if it moves up or down. But it will probably move. Unlike Tenet I really want to see this one again.
5.) Interstellar - I remember being a tad underwhelmed when I saw this. However I didn't see it in the theaters I don't think. It's one that has aged extremely well for me since my original viewing.
4.) Batman Begins - This movie is so damn cool to me. Not sure any superhero movie will top this origin story. I was so sucked in the first half of the film it doesn't even feel like a batman/superhero movie.
3.) Inception - Where Tenet didn't work Inception sang like Whitney Houston. What a theater experience.
2.) Dark Knight - The movie that really made Nolan. That Ledger performance was probably my favorite theater experience I've ever had. Everytime he was on screen I held my breathe. Plus that truck flip dropped my jaw.
1.) The Prestige - Wish I could have seen this in theaters. Only went back after the Dark Knight blew my pants off to watch this film. It's Nolan at his best imo. Messing with timelines. Psychological sh*t. Great performances. Excellent writing. Beautiful visuals. It's just him with his powers fully realized....imo

I have a strong inclination that Bond is next. Working with Universal now. Bond franchise needs a new Bond and director. It's obvious he loves Bond. I think he does a trilogy like Batman where he does 3 Bonds and in between each he uses it as leverage to do whatever he wants in between. Not that he can't but it will certainly aid his case if he brings Bond big bucks.
If anyone else would've made The DARK KNIGHT RISES, chances are, the character of BANE would've been better portrayed, probably a mixture of 50/50: 1/2 practical FX and 1/2 CGI to do the character justice because as absolutely Godawful as BATMAN & ROBIN was, they at least got the size of BANE right and that's being generous too..

If anyone else would've made The DARK KNIGHT RISES, chances are, the character of BANE would've been better portrayed, probably a mixture of 50/50: 1/2 practical FX and 1/2 CGI to do the character justice because as absolutely Godawful as BATMAN & ROBIN was, they at least got the size of BANE right and that's being generous too..
I get what Nolan was doing with Bane. Wanted someone completely different than Joker as a threat. But I was so let down he didn't take a swing at the Riddler. The Riddler was always my favorite villain and he would have mesh so well with Nolan. Shame. Oh well.

Following was way better than at least half of Nolan's other filmography. He has to be the most overrated Director that has ever lived.

I turned a rewatch of Batman Begins off it was so bad.

A system of cells interlinked
Good read - thanks for posting!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Barbenheimer part 2: Oppenheimer

This is really two films, one is the story of Oppenheimer's early forays into quantum physics and his time on the Manhattan project.

The other one is about two post-war panels, one deciding whether Oppenheimer should have security clearance or not, the other whether some other guy should have some other kind of cabinet position or not, which involves a lot of people sitting in rooms and talking about each other.

Individually, both of these movies are very well shot and well acted. Put together, it's a lot.

I see some people have complained about historical accuracy - as the only person in this film that I know even a small amount about is Einstein, I can't comment on that.

At times it feels a little bit like a three hour trailer, skipping through the highlights of Oppenheimer's life with constant background music, and I felt like I wanted the scenes to be allowed to breathe a little more. There seemed like so much more that could have been shown about how they made the atomic bomb, the moral questions and yet so much of the time was spent asking about whether he was a communist. But maybe this is Nolan's point, that the authorities of the 1950s spent more time worrying about communists than about the implications of nuclear proliferation.

The acting was generally very good. I've always liked Cillian Murphy and I think he does a fine job here. I was also very impressed with Robert Downey Jr. Kenneth Branagh is there with his accent again but never mind, he's not in it as much as Tenet. Women get short shrift even by Christopher Nolan standards (Florence Pugh deserves better than this).

I thought the black and white sequences looked excellent, maybe Nolan should do a black and white movie next.

Parts of it were very interesting, parts of it I nearly fell asleep. I see a conscious decision was made not to show any of the effects of the atomic bomb and I'm not sure what I think about that. I liked the scene where he gives a speech and everyone is cheering but he is beginning to have doubts about what has been done. I do wonder how much they knew about the effects of radiation and whether the people at the base were affected at all.

Barbie v Oppenheimer

I preferred Oppenheimer, I think, but didn't love either of them.

Saw this today. My thoughts: Cillian Murphy is excellent and gives what is currently my pick for best performance by an actor in a leading role. Robert Downey Jr is also fantastic. I liked the score and the use of sound in the film. Very effective. Oppenheimer is very well directed and remains interesting and engaging, even though it does go on a little too long. My 4th favourite film of the year.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Saw this today. My thoughts: Cillian Murphy is excellent and gives what is currently my pick for best performance by an actor in a leading role. Robert Downey Jr is also fantastic. I liked the score and the use of sound in the film. Very effective. Oppenheimer is very well directed and remains interesting and engaging, even though it does go on a little too long. My 4th favourite film of the year.
Didn't I read this post a few days ago? I'm confused have I been time traveling

Didn't I read this post a few days ago? I'm confused have I been time traveling
Might have been someone else with a similar opinion. I just saw it today...unless I'm living in an alternate dimension where time works differently and you actually read this review days ago!

Saw this today. My thoughts: Cillian Murphy is excellent and gives what is currently my pick for best performance by an actor in a leading role. Robert Downey Jr is also fantastic. I liked the score and the use of sound in the film. Very effective. Oppenheimer is very well directed and remains interesting and engaging, even though it does go on a little too long. My 4th favourite film of the year.

EDIT: Wait, why was this posted a couple hours ago? Is someone time traveling around here?

Saw this today. My thoughts: Cillian Murphy is excellent and gives what is currently my pick for best performance by an actor in a leading role. Robert Downey Jr is also fantastic. I liked the score and the use of sound in the film. Very effective. Oppenheimer is very well directed and remains interesting and engaging, even though it does go on a little too long. My 4th favourite film of the year.

EDIT: Wait, why was this posted a couple hours ago? Is someone time traveling around here?

Saw this today. My thoughts: Cillian Murphy is excellent and gives what is currently my pick for best performance by an actor in a leading role. Robert Downey Jr is also fantastic. I liked the score and the use of sound in the film. Very effective. Oppenheimer is very well directed and remains interesting and engaging, even though it does go on a little too long. My 2nd favourite film of the year.

EDIT: Wait, why was this posted a couple hours ago? Is someone time traveling around here?

Saw this today. My thoughts: Cillian Murphy is excellent and gives what is currently my pick for best performance by an actor in a leading role. Robert Downey Jr is also fantastic. I liked the score and the use of sound in the film. Very effective. Oppenheimer is very well directed and remains interesting and engaging, even though it does go on a little too long. My 4th favourite film of the year.

EDIT: Wait, why was this posted a couple hours ago? Is someone time traveling around here?

Nice to see you again, TemporalError.

The trick is not minding
Saw this today. My thoughts: Cillian Murphy is excellent and gives what is currently my pick for best performance by an actor in a leading role. Robert Downey Jr is also fantastic. I liked the score and the use of sound in the film. Very effective. Oppenheimer is very well directed and remains interesting and engaging, even though it does go on a little too long. My 4th favourite film of the year.

Oppenheimer either has the most gravity out of any political thriller I've seen (maybe even topping Costa-Gavras' Z), or it was just Nolan's standard super loud sound in the theatre. I'm leaning towards the former though, and I'll look forward to rewatching it at home when able.

Oppenheimer either has the most gravity out of any political thriller I've seen (maybe even topping Costa-Gavras' Z), or it was just Nolan's standard super loud sound in the theatre. I'm leaning towards the former though, and I'll look forward to rewatching it at home when able.
All the President's Men (1976) was an excellent production, and even though there were some holes and artistic license, it was widely positively received.

I'll wait to stream Oppenheimer. I'm disappointed that Nolan saw fit to put in a reportedly senseless sex scene, which caused the film to draw an R rating. Actually it's doubtful that today's youth would understand the political issues presented in the real story.

I like Nolan’s stuff, but I don’t fall over myself thinking about him. Never saw Tenet . He’s really pushing the IMAX/large format thing into fart-sniffing territory.

IMAX is always a good time, but it seems like a waste here. Poor Tom Cruise was right.