Describe your stomping grounds.


Sir Sean Connery's love-child
Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
I don't think there's a coloring that doesn't look good.
My hair is deep red, thanks to L'Oreal.

Because YOU'RE WORTH IT!!!
Hey Pepe, would you say I have a plethora of presents?

Toga, toga, toga......

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour?

Sir Sean Connery's love-child
Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
hA! You know it, mister!

You betcha! Nice pussy by the way!
Love the leopard skin, I'm sure I've matching pants somewhere.
Not a good mental image.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by Darth Stujitzu
You betcha! Nice pussy by the way!
Love the leopard skin, I'm sure I've matching pants somewhere.
Not a good mental image.
au contraire! Great mental image.
... I was supposed to laugh, right?

Sir Sean Connery's love-child
Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
au contraire! Great mental image.
... I was supposed to laugh, right?

Yep, laugh it up Ohio girl.
I could never find the matching leopard skin socks for the front of the pouch!!!
Hey it's cold all year round here, and God's little creatures hibernate during the cold.
That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!!!
Horrible mental image.
I'm off for a shower, I'm like Christina, duuuuuuuuuuuuuurty.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by Darth Stujitzu
Yep, laugh it up Ohio girl.
I could never find the matching leopard skin socks for the front of the pouch!!!
Hey it's cold all year round here, and God's little creatures hibernate during the cold.
That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!!!
Horrible mental image.
I'm off for a shower, I'm like Christina, duuuuuuuuuuuuuurty.
"Laugh it up Ohio girl" just made me howl. lolol And yes, please do shower. Duly noted that's where you'll be.

Sir Sean Connery's love-child
Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
"Laugh it up Ohio girl" just made me howl. lolol And yes, please do shower. Duly noted that's where you'll be.
I was told to stay away from women who howl, especially if there is a full moon. With my recent record, perhaps I should just stay away from women, for a while anyway!!!

Sir Sean Connery's love-child
Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
If your recent record is bad, that would be highly advisable.
If you're still hearing the echos of the theme from The Crying Game, that goes double.

Got to admit, the Crying Game, freaked me out!!!
I'd jokingly said to my mate she's a dude, just before the big reveal, to this day my mate recons I'd watched the film already and was back for more!
Just as well I'm secure about my sexuality, none, aint gettin any!

My life isn't written very well.
Perhaps it's that plaid skirt!

Wait...Crying Game...plaid skirts...hmmm...tell me, do you enjoy playing bagpipes?
*OK, yeah I've incorporated every Scottish stereotype into a bad joke. Hey! A Scotsman and a Priest go into a bar....
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

there's a frog in my snake oil
Ok, i'm gonna annoy Darth by waxing lyrical about the capital of Britain... ()...

I live in little London 'tarn'. It's been stomped quite a lot over the years already, so i'll just describe the bits that are still sticking up...

As with most of Britain, we get irregular free showers here in this bit of 'tropical' south-east England, and we also join in the national passtime of hating Londoners (not to fit in with the rest of the country, mind you - we're notoriously snobby about which cliques we join. No, it's just because other Londoners regularly tread on our feet. ).

Despite this fluffy layer of low-level teeth-gnashing, everyone rubs along pretty well. One of the communal games you can play while visiting is: 'Spot the Anachronism'. If you see a bowler hat, that's 5 points; any signs of smog are worth 20; and sightings of Queen Victoria earn you one hundred of her majesty's crows, and a visit to one of our free hospitals

Yeah, ok, it's a silly place London. A bit like Camelot, only the singing is mainly confined to the West End. I live in a central bit of the north bit tho, so i'll describe that...

I live in East Finchley at the mo, which has a tube station which looks a bit like this...

(the bow and arrow don't seem to work anymore, which may be some kind of metaphor...)

We've got a classy old '30s art house cinema called the Phoenix, which looks like this on the outside...

...and this on the inside...

(hell, this thread was maxed out already yeah? I thought i'd link to the extra large pic of this lovely gaudiness )

Then there's the blessed parks, which in this neck of the woods are quite woody... like this one... it's called Highgate Wood...

I was brought up round the corner in Muswell Hill, which looks like this in postcard form...

...and this if you travel back in time (altho to see it how it looks now just draw in some Starbucks )...

...there are plenty of streets with houses like this...

...altho it brightens up when the sun comes out .

Apparently this can also happen nearby, but i'm buggered if i've ever seen anyone doing it....

Which in some ways, tells you all you need to know about this London place. Wander around enough and you'll find someone trying to ride a horse into the village pond, even if the pond evaporated 200 years ago. Amble for another five minutes, and you can watch some smack-dealing Turks genially telling their Albanian competitors when to expect the next random shooting. Then swing yourself onto a bus and you can swan off to the free museum of your choice . (With optional clubbing on the way home - altho selling smack first may help you afford the entrance fee )

There's plenty to do, several ways to get turned into glue, and the rain is free. What more could you ask?
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

I live in the ruins of a shattered mind. It's okay tho because I fixed it up and now it's rather fetching. I live with my imaginary friend Polio. He's kind of funny. He has a pet chicken who always wakes me up in the middle of the night. It tried to talk to me the other night. In English, like real words. So I choked it till it died. It came back tho, and it was happy to see me.

Sir Sean Connery's love-child
Originally Posted by r3port3r66
Perhaps it's that plaid skirt!

Wait...Crying Game...plaid skirts...hmmm...tell me, do you enjoy playing bagpipes?
*OK, yeah I've incorporated every Scottish stereotype into a bad joke. Hey! A Scotsman and a Priest go into a bar....

You're so on my ****-list, hell I might even phone Fat Bastard and tell him where you live!!!
Here's some good advice; beware of men in skirts.
I try to live by this motto, but every now and again.....

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by sunfrog
... It came back tho, and it was happy to see me.
No more sun for you young man! You're obviously dazed. And possibly confused.

Okay, I live in Flemington, NJ, the absolute middle of nowhere. There are some nice restaurants and a few decents shops, but overall, the place sucks. Not a tight neighborhood either. No one is really good friends here. Plus I'm on a cauldesak, so there's rarely any traffic.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
Gg, that theater is gorgeous!
Yeah, i'm really lucky to have it nearby - it's one of the best indie cinemas in London. And it is ridiculously faux-oppulant inside . Those seats can be a bit of a bugger tho - in the middle third the slope makes them more like vices than velvety comfort-devices

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
hee! I started my theater career in an old vaudevillian house like that, so it looks lovely to me. The facade is hilariously bleargh. Looks like it would have a very sticky floor, if you take my meaning, and then it's all pretty inside. Nice suprise!

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
These are grounds I stomp through on a regular basis.
I snapped a few shots of the Mojave as I drove across it, weekend before last.
It was about 115 out there, so I didn't stop to get too Ansel Adams-ish,
but a couple of these are really pretty.

There is an 11 mile stretch of Interstate 10 that has these windmills
all over the hills. They're often seen in commercials and such.
It's an area called Palm Desert.

Here's the interstate... If you're familiar with the 10, you'll recognise
that there was practically NO traffic. The bridge in the background is 5 layers deep.

After the two hours, you're out of LA and into desert.
This was snapped from my moving car:

And these two were at a rest stop, so you get the fancy static-foreground.
Facing west:

...and facing east:

And a beauty shot of the mountains, with the clouds moving across:

I got for good luck my black tooth.
F***ing Beautiful pics Sam. thanks for sharing. You're a great photographer .
"Like all dreamers, Steven mistook disenchantment for truth."