2014 Box Office Challenge 1


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
So who is ready to play a little game I call kill the host for speculating too much. If this was a prize contest this would be the part where I say I am giving out two prizes for assuming with extreme prejudice that Teeter_G would be Round I champ for the past month. Since this is all for fun this just gets to be the part where I eat crow. While Transformers has grown everyone's numbers who picked it, Maleficent and Fault In Our Stars have also grown to the point where Teeter_g was pushed to third place. Fault In Our Stars should certainly be a cautionary tale for those of us who will go forward with these challenges. Don't take the bomb pick lightly, It can be the difference between winning and being towards the bottom of the pack.

Round I Champion:


Everyone's numbers and the leader board are updated for your viewing pleasure in the first two posts. Also in the second post are the top 5 movie earners for this round. My apologies again to Teeter_g. I am definitely learning as I go as I have said many times. I enjoy it though, so I hope everyone will keep participating.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Wow, so that really changed.

Congrats Yoda. I really wasn't trying to help you win or anything but you do owe me a big thanks.

I'm so embarrassed.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Wow I realized I was actually the runner up. Cool.

Yeah, you picked 4 of the 5 top earners for this round. Bomb pick was the deal breaker between you, yoda, and teeter for sure. Where I got egg on my face with the prognosticating was Maleficent. That movie just kept earning steady and really propelled those that picked it. You and yoda finishing at the top were the biggest examples but I was running dead last for a long time and finished sixth mostly due to that as well. I learned my lesson, I will mostly keep my mouth shut in these challenges going forward.

I started to think Maleficent would hurt me since I remember that I switched out Godzilla with it. What I should have done is passed on HTTYD 2 and went with Spider Man 2. Oh well. Ya live ya learn.

Yeah, we've all got woulda/coulda/shoulda moments. I've already repeated mine in the next challenge.

Congratualtions to Yoda. Who gave him that bomb? Gotta pick ya bombs with care, people.