Female Beauty We Appreciate


I've seen Uma mentioned so many times on this thread . I wonder if she's the most mentioned?

I've seen Uma mentioned so many times on this thread . I wonder if she's the most mentioned?
Guess who's guilty for that? It's ridiculous. I even came to my own (rather a link to it) pic of her while doing a search. Anyway, she deserves to be mentioned so many times. Completely in a league of her own as far as female beauty and I am concearned. Even if she's not most mentioned, she soon will be.

Guess who's guilty for that?
Yes, well I have to bear some responsibility as well .

It's ridiculous. I even came to my own (rather a link to it) pic of her while doing a search.
That's good .

Anyway, she deserves to be mentioned so many times. Completely in a league of her own as far as female beauty and I am concearned.
Yes she is.

Who was the pic of Beatle, I can't see it.
Of her:

The one in the middle. I don't know who the one on the left is, I can't see it. I know who the one on the right is, but I don't wanna see it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
For the upcoming Silent Film Era Hall of Fame..

How about some pics of some really old babes!

Lillian Gish

Of her:

The one in the middle. I don't know who the one on the left is, I can't see it. I know who the one on the right is, but I don't wanna see it.
How odd – they appear to be doing John Malkovich's 'sex face' from Dangerous Liaisons .

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
How about some pics of some really old babes!
No, thank you. I'm not into necrophilia.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
How about pics of old babes when they were young?
They're dead by now anyway. That leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

Seriously, though, I discovered I love a lot of women long dead.

They're dead by now anyway. That leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

Seriously, though, I discovered I love a lot of women long dead.
I know what you mean.

The other day I was researching something and it led me to one of those sicko sites (all about death) and it had all these categories... one was "hot dead girls" or something like that which was all photos of attractive girls who'd been killed.

(Then the site told me that my amount of free trial clicks was exhausted and I was invited to register, pay and join... I thought, "good!" in response to the message that I couldn't look at anything else on that site!)


And so as not to derail the thread too much... a repeat pic of Mizuki (from another thread)... and good news.... she's over 18 and very much alive!

CR, there are lots of what I consider "old school" (except for Natalie) actresses, not dead babes (even though they have passed) that I think were beautiful:

Gail Russell:

Hedy Lamarr:

Natalie Wood:

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I know what you mean.

The other day I was researching something and it led me to one of those sicko sites (all about death) and it had all these categories...
Yeah, "researching".

Yeah, "researching".
Yes. I research a lot of stuff that takes me to the dark areas of the web... politics, the paranormal, unsolved mysteries, terrorism.

Take Mizuki for instance: she's 19 years old, was born in Tokyo and is the current leader of the Morning Musume group. Yes, when it comes to Mizuki, I like to stay abreast of things!

This is the breast picture on this page.
I like when we get a little exchange going, Mr. Minio. A little tit for tat as it were.
I have some good mammories of our other conversations. So much so that I now consider you a bosom friend!

Ok... enough sophomoric comedy jokes!