The Upgrade Bug Report Thread


Thanks for the elaboration, that should be quite helpful. I'll see what I can do.

You say the New Post Comments notification works, though? The one for comments on posts (not on your profile)?

As far as I know, why don't you shoot me a smiley real quick on this one and I'll let you know.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Sorry Chris, all I got was a "Your Notification" just like for rep. So I geuss you have more tweaking to do. I'm almost 100% sure that its working for profile and Pm's though.

EDIT: I'm a firefox guy btw, so maybe its another firefox issue?

Don't know if you know yet, but the place in your 'Edit Profile' for changing your top 10 is gone.

martian leader's Avatar
RightUpTheLittleTramps@ss !
Please please please please please bring back the auto-save function.

I'd like that also.
Arnie Cunningham - All of this because some drunk ran over that sh*tter Welch?

Arnie Cunningham- Right up the little tramps @ss!

I'll do what I can, but I didn't write the modification myself, so I can only bring it back if it's somehow functional with this version of the forum software, or has been updated to be functional with it. If there's a compatible version, I'll certainly install it.

That said, I strongly advise anyone writing a long post to take (literally) a moment to copy it to your clipboard. It's become second nature to me with anything more than a paragraph or two. It takes no time whatsoever and has saved me from losing quite a bit of work.

My life isn't written very well.
Sorry about that last post. She's fine, it was only a mild injury. The passenger died though.
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

I want a drooling smile for here.

Do like Neb's does. Take the URL from the smilies here, and use the image tags around them.

Best smilies!

There are other sites, as well. Just Google the word smilies.

p.s. Keep them clean.

My life isn't written very well.
Sorry about that last post. She's fine, it was only a mild injury. The passenger died though.
Nobody died.
Just trying to throw a little humor into the importance of the auto-save feature; guess that didn't come out as funny as I thought. Sorry! :embarrassed:

The Adventure Starts Here!
Not sure if this is repeating anything but I figure more info might help:

I'm on Firefox 2.something... I saw "Your Notifications" at the top just now (not "New Notifications," as others have said). I clicked on it and it dropped down to another "Your Notifications" but wasn't clickable. There was a "1" next to the first "Your Notifications but that merely dropped down to the same secondary "Your Notifications" that wasn't clickable.

I *did* have new comments (two, both from Yoda), but unsure if I also had new rep.

But I had to go in manually to see it since the "Your Notifications" stuff wasn't clickable anymore.

Yeah, I'm looking into the Notification stuff. It's just Post Comments and Rep at the moment. Just had an idea as to what the problem might be, actually...

The Adventure Starts Here!
I hope you realize that I, at least, post stuff in here to make you aware of it, but not really to gripe about it not working yet.... I just figured more knowledge about any given issue might help eliminate variables, etc....

The only issue that irked me at all since the upgrade was the shoutbox issue...but even that is fixed now in Firefox for me. Yay.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Ack... new issue. The last two times I've posted (both times in this thread), I get the error warning saying I have to wait at least 20 seconds to post a second time. The first time I clicked on the post again and ended up with two posts, so I had to delete the second one.

This time I wised up and ignored it, but still, I got that warning both times I posted -- as if the system were sending it through twice and the second time got caught by the delayed post timer.

And I'm PRETTY sure I didn't hit post twice.... Here goes nothing on a third post attempt...